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Everything posted by Nostradamus

  1. This follows the life of two Italian-American young men who were both born and raised in Denver, Colorado. This thread's purpose is to showcase their re-connection and document their life as time goes on. Frank Perrino: January 17th, 1992. The birth of baby Frank Luca Perrino propelled happiness up and down the middle class Perrino family that resided in Denver, Colorado. Baby Frank and his older sister Adriana were children of working class parents Victoria Lupano, and Marco Perrino. Victoria, a real estate office secretary worked part time while being the main caregiver for the two children. Marco however, was your average blue collar worker that struggled to keep his family afloat following the brutal recession that took place in the states. A battered back and demoralized soul was the end result of long hours and degrading pay. Although the struggle seemed unbearable from outside eyes, the Perrino family was an overall happy one despite both fiscal and personal financial restraints, you could label the Perrino’s as an average American family. Raising an Italian cultured family in Denver during the roaring 90’s was just about as feasible as growing up black in Massachusetts. Describing it as oppression is a little far-fetched, but other than throwing back some atrocious pizza and conversing with the white trash down the road, the Perrino’s were out of place, in their minds at least. Despite the constant drama the middle class Italian-American family put on themselves based on their personal views of their living situation, Frank was the only child between him and his sister Adriana to find a way out through bettering himself. See Adriana, she wasn’t like Frank, Adriana victimized herself, she wanted people to feel bad for her. Adriana lived in a split mindset and got enticed into the wrong way of life, she carried an umbrella of negativity around with her, and because of the love their parents Marco and Victoria had for the kids, they often times collapsed under the umbrella as well. Frank was different though, Frank wasn’t like his peer pressured pessimistic sister Adriana, he grew up watching his family sink into a hole which he wanted no part of. Frank, he got dealt his cards and rode the hand to the river. While his sister Adriana was causing a ruck around the neighborhood and bringing negative attention to the family, Frank continued to thrive to be better than him. Marco, his old man always told Frank as things went South with his family, “It’s one thing to learn from your mistakes, but learning from other people's mistakes is an art few have, those who do have it, they’re set for life.” Frank knew that, growing up he’d see guys get popped for petty crimes all the time, it’s almost like guys would do the same thing just to see if they could be the one to get away with it or not, stupidity chasing stupidity, Frank knew that and took a different approach. September 6th, 2010. First year at Metropolitan State University (MSU) in Denver. Young adult Frank Perrino took on a general Bachelor of Arts. It was university or the army for Frank, he wasn’t a stupid kid and got decent marks in high school so his parents figured it’d be a sin for the kid to be a pawn for some guy he never met. Being a scholar and professional in some sort of field wasn’t a desire Frank chased, getting out of small town Denver and entering the metro area was the sole purpose of going to university. At the least, addressing Frank as a decent student could be applicable, but the kid spent more time smoking and pushing weed than he did attending class. To keep a long story short, Frank got expelled from MSU, for smoking weed in school residence. He left Denver, he traveled for a couple years just like any ordinary kid would do, and ended up in Los Santos, San Andreas. Frank Perrino now sits in a heap of debt from dropping out and using his student loans to travel, has little to no communication with his family back in Denver, and barely makes enough money to pay his mortgage on a studio flat by the beach. Dead end jobs have sunken Frank into a hole where the only way out fades more and more every day, Frank’s turning into everything he promised his parents he wouldn’t be, like his sister.
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