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  1. We've got a deal, send me your details
  2. EXTERIOR INTERIOR MARKET PRICE: 60,000$ ( Initially it was 85,000$, for some reason it decreased ) ASKING PRICE: 85,000$ ACCEPTING OFFERS
  3. A DTO would be better yeah. If I gather enough people I might give it a try! Anyone interested, just PM me.
  4. I've been thinking for a while and I'd love to make a Cartel at Sandy Shores or even Paleto. Would anyone be interested to join the cause & probably make a faction out of this? Doesn't have to be big for starters. A small smuggled Cartel group operating in the woods, expanding the territory and making their own connections. Perform those patrols in the woods for any trespassers & provoke fear. Anything like this. Private message me if anyone is interested to make 'something like this' happen. I'm sorry if this is not the right section to post this thread.
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