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  1. Oskar

    Drug Health

    Yeah, but I'm not sure if it can be combined. For example if you sniff four grams of cocaine then you'll have 300 hp total. Which is like killing 3 people or surviving around 5~ ish pistol headshots. It makes no sense whatsoever if you look at it that way. On the other hand, I feel like the system doesn't work whatsoever and it doesn't add any hp to you scriptwise it just says that it does. As in my own experience after roleplaying with drugs and getting hit by a hand, I lost actual hp. It is a very confusing system and it shouldn't be in a RP server anyways, at least in my point of view.
  2. Oskar

    Drug Health

    I don't think that it makes sense tbh. Also, I'm not sure if this feature even works or if it works if there is any limits to it? If drugs actually increase your HP scriptwise then it should be capped at 150-200 tops. There should be no thing as this in a roleplay server to be honest.
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