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[GUIDE] Brewery Basics & Professional Brewing


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14 minutes ago, Mindful said:

Thank you for the guide! 

What are the rules for where the tools can be placed? Can I place them in my apartment? How about if it's a rental?

There isn't any direct rule regarding brewery. But, I'd say it should go off how you're roleplaying it. People can have home brewery kits in real life, some people brew on a larger scale. I've seen videos of people brewing beer from home, some people spend thousands of dollars on a home gin distillery type of thing. Just use your best judgement and make sure you're sticking to realistic and good quality roleplay and you should be fine! 

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26 minutes ago, Mindful said:

Thank you for the guide! 

What are the rules for where the tools can be placed? Can I place them in my apartment? How about if it's a rental?

In my experience, the iron pots are finicky on where you place them. If you do /coords, you need to make sure you are at least 10 units away from the nearest iron pot otherwise your iron pot will not appear if you place it on your burner. 

I know this isn’t necessarily your question, but I still feel like it’s very important info!

Edited by ROSG
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  • $$ changed the title to [GUIDE] Brewery Basics & Professional Brewing
On 5/12/2023 at 8:37 PM, $$ said:



Professional Brewery



Players also have access to professional breweries which are usually created by players. If you have hopes of setting up your own brewery, the best advice is to fill in a property request once they open and explain your ideas thoroughly during the request process. Once you're granted the property, it'll be set to a "professional brewery" so you'll have access to the script benefits. For the purpose of this guide, I reached out to @HeyIt'sKay! and @ROSG so please show them some love as they was able to grant me with access to the Green Isles Brewery! 




Step 1. We'll make some professional craft beer, which requires the same ingredients for beer as regular brewing. If we refer back to the original post, as you can see it's wheat wash that is required. Refer back to our original guide and we just need to create mash to begin with. So head over to the mixing bucket, press K and then you'll be able to select check ingredients. This is what the menu looks like once you've selected "put all ingredients in". Granted, you'll have to keep the ingredients in your inventory. A nice tip is that if you have the stock and your brewing kit in your property, it'll take the ingredients directly from there. 





Step 2. Now that you've created the mash (1 minute of waiting), it's time to create the wash. Head over to the iron pot and press K. It's time to put in the ingredients which I'll show in the screenshot below. You should yield 66 wheat mash from the bucket, which you can put into the iron pot and start the process for the wheat wash. For professional craft beer, you'll need 16 wheat wash, every 66 wheat mash will result in 8 wheat wash. Therefore, for a batch of professional craft beer, we'll need double the amount of wash. 





Step 3. Under check ingredients for professional craft beer, it shows we need 16 wash. So if you haven't created double the amount of mash, now's your time to go back and do it! Once you've gotten the wash, head back to your blue barrel and select "check ingredients" under the professional craft beer recipe. Put in the ingredients and then start the process, we're nearly there!




Step 4. Fill in the ingredients via put all ingredients in and then start process. It'll take a total of 2 minutes for your professional craft beer to be ready. You'll get the chat notification of your beer being ready to collect. For each batch of 16 wash and 8 yeast, you'll yield 20 professional craft beers. 





On the original guide, we we're done at these steps but there's a few more benefits you get with the professional brewing system. You can rename your alcohol that you make in a professional capacity. You're also able to edit the icon that the item has in-game. So the two commands we're going to need are /breweryname and /iconpicker! 


Changing Icons, Naming and Assigning Images


Step 1. Check out the item in your inventory, it'll have the regular green bottle icon. However, now that we're in a professional brewery we can utilise /iconpicker and change it up a little bit! So place your beers in the inventory of the property. Then do /iconpicker to select the icon that you'd like. 


Step 2. Once you've picked the icon that you'd like, use the /breweryname command to change the name of the drink. However, the script will only allow you to change the name as long as the item is in the inventory of the property. Don't worry though, if you only want to rename 10 bottles, you can select the amount. For the purpose of the guide, I'll only be renaming one bottle of beer. 





As you can see in the image, you need to select the base alcohol ID. It sounds complicated but don't worry! It's just the item's ID in your property. So do /pinvex to see the ID of the professional craft beer. Refer to the example below. 





So our base alcohol ID is 1500. So I'm going to type /breweryname 1500 1 Brewster Brew!


Step 3. Assigning an image, now once you've executed the /breweryname command, you'll receive a pop up in the chat. The selected drink will then be visible with the icon you have selected and the name in your /pinv. However, the pop up that shows up also tells you that you can assign an image. So when handing the item off to another player, it'll show the image of the drink. 




All you have to do here is /assignimage, then choose the ID from your own inventory. So /invex and it'll give you the item ID and then paste in the link to the image you'd like to assign to the item and we're done! 


These are the main differences that come with professional brewing, everything in this guide also applies to the other types of liquor. As always, any changes let me know and I'll be sure to update the two guides!


Looks great! Glad we could help!

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