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Helicopter Usage Rules

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Helicopter Usage Rules

 The following rules and guidelines are being put in place in order to define the proper usage of helicopters by legal air units, especially LEO ones. LFM will not prevent air units from operating proactively, however, we expect operators to apply some common sense into how they operate the airship. As it stands, LFM would like LEO factions to refrain from flying around and actively looking for crimes while surveilling gang populated areas. This will be explained further under "turf camping".

Camera usage:
The Camera script is a very powerful tool and easily abuseable. Airship cameras IRL have some differences, especially in image quality, than the ones we have in game and this is mainly due to script limitation. This rule is hard to explain in words, but Air Unit operators should be mindful and have some common sense while operating said tool. As an example, the quality of the camera at night is drastically worse than during day time, adding optical zoom into the picture makes it even worse. This rule will fall under 'Admin Discretion' and LFM admins will have to determine if the operator acted reasonably once complaints arise.

Gun Shots:
Whilst patrolling under an AIR callsign your character is wearing a headset that cancels out the noise of the aircraft to ensure the occupants are able to hear communications. This means, whilst in operation of an aircraft, your character will not be able to hear gunshots. You may not powergame hearing gunshots or metagame to find the gunshots after hearing them on an Out-of-Character level. You must see a shooting take place to report it.


Pre-Flight Checklist:
Pilots are required to roleplay performing a pre-flight checklist or wait three minutes before taking off in any aircraft.



Refueling an aircraft realistically takes time, at least longer than refueling a car.

Refueling must take at least four (4) minutes before unit can depart .


Turf Camping and idling:
Pilots should be mindful of the amount of time they spend in one area, and should avoid "turf camping" or keep their focus on one group for too long when no development or other factors play in that warrants them staying on them. Pilots shall not turf camp, defined as hovering or circling the same neighborhood, vehicle, or person for an extended period of time without having a justifiable reason to do so. Reasoning is subject to review on a case-by-case basis. However, the following may be used generally as justification for these activities:

  1. Witnessing a crime or serious injury.
  2. Response to an emergency call in the area.
  3. An individual or vehicle that reasonably matches the description of a Crime Broadcast, a vehicle that reasonably matches the description of one reported stolen, or an APB has been spotted in the area.
  4. A pursuit suspect has been lost and you are attempting to locate within the last known area.
  5. Tactical operations, search and rescue, or warrant executions that require the use of helicopter surveillance/oversight.
  6. Civil unrest (protests, riots, etc.).
  7. Purposes of crime suppression during TAC Alerts if a specific area has been highlights as a problematic area for the duration of the TAC Alert.
  8. An individual acts in a manner that leads a Pilot or Tactical Flight Officer to believe that a crime is going to be committed, being committed, or has been committed. (This does not include someone simply wearing a certain color or happens to have a bag on their back).
  9. Requested by a ground unit.


Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD):

Air units may not use their CAD to notify other units of a location.

This is a form of Powergaming. Please keep your CAD location set to mobile at all times unless you are performing a full stop landing (i.e. refuel, taking a break, etc.).

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