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/pursuit command


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Hi there!

Today I got into a pursuit while the law-enforcement Teamspeak server was down. I wasn't able to get backup and, while, I'm okay with that, I had a good idea come to mind!


On a server I played on a long time ago on SAMP, we had a special /pursuit command that we'd only use in two circumstances:


1. Teamspeak was down

2. Officer had no-mic perms.



This command made it so that when you did /pursuit, a blip appeared on top of you and followed you as you pursued a vehicle. This allowed other units to just follow your blip and not rely on Teamspeak communications. It worked until you'd deactivate it.

At one point, they updated the script to make it opt-in. So if you're in pursuit, you typed /pursuit, and other units get a message: "Officer John Doe is in pursuit! Type /joinpursuit [ID] to join their pursuit". These units would then get the blip.


I feel like this would be great on our server for two reasons:

1. Balancing the advantage criminals get when LEO teamspeak is down

2. Allowing cops with no-mic perms (and there are many!) to be able to relay emergent transmissions without having to use their voice. We already have /panic, so why not /pursuit?



What do you think?


Edited by Soyuz
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