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Define Knuckledusters as a lethal weapon. Because they are.

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As the title suggests, there needs to be a concrete ruling on knuckledusters and their status as "nonlethal" or lethal. The fact of the matter is, there are many people who think a set of brass knuckles are not a weapon or are not capable of being lethal when that is simply not the case. When employing brass knuckles, you are hitting someone in the face with anywhere from a few ounce to a pound and a half chunk of metal. This can not only open head wounds, it can crack bone, fracture orbitals, and even potentially kill someone with a single strike landed to the temple. The current take is that they are not considered weapons so any fight involving them is simply regarded as "a fistfight", but last I checked, a fistfight involved fists, not weaponry. With that same take, I can pick up a brick and punch someone with it in my hand, and it's still a fistfight. There needs to be a concrete ruling on this because right now it's being left up to admin discretion and that opens up plenty of room for very heated disagreements over the utility of what are, absolutely, lethal weapons. They were originally conceived as a fist weapon hundreds of years ago and have been adopted since into things such as the US Mk. I Trench Knife in WWII, which is where they gained their popularity in the civilian space. There is a reason knuckle dusters are illegal in most of the US, Hong Kong, Belgium, Canada, Austria, Bosnia, Croatia, Finland, Russia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Turkey, Spain, Singapore, The United Kingdom, and Taiwan. They cause horrific and life-altering facial injuries and have a very real possibility of killing whoever they're employed on.




"Although injuries from brass knuckles are usually serious but non-fatal, there are some cases where the use of brass knuckles has resulted in death."

This alone classifies them as a deadly weapon. They are not fists, and are more likely to kill than fists.

Brass knuckles have no utility as a tool like a knife does, and no utility for sport or enthusiasts like guns do. They are a weapon designed to hurt and kill.



Below are enclosed images of victims of brass knuckle attacks. These are very graphic, view at your own risk.




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As far as i know, bats have been, dusters are mostly not deemed as lethal, plus it's very rare someone uses dusters to kills, when a bat is sometimes used after the victim is down. -1 on the dusters +1 on bats. Need something official on this but people pull guns out on fist fights anyway so it's not going to change anything.

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9 minutes ago, Cartoonhead said:

As far as i know, bats have been, dusters are mostly not deemed as lethal, plus it's very rare someone uses dusters to kills, when a bat is sometimes used after the victim is down. -1 on the dusters +1 on bats. Need something official on this but people pull guns out on fist fights anyway so it's not going to change anything.

This is not about bats. This is about knuckledusters. If you don't think knuckledusters are a weapon, I invite you to take a punch to the face with a pair and reconsider.

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55 minutes ago, ChromaticDeath said:

This is not about bats. This is about knuckledusters. If you don't think knuckledusters are a weapon, I invite you to take a punch to the face with a pair and reconsider.

Fair play, i got confused by a reply. Still not a massive fan of them being counted as deadly all the same, but not that my opinion really means that much so take it how you like.

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1 minute ago, Cartoonhead said:

Fair play, i got confused by a reply. Still not a massive fan of them being counted as deadly all the same, but not that my opinion really means that much so take it how you like.

Deadly some of the time = deadly weapon. Anything is a deadly weapon when applied as it, but knuckledusters were designed with the exclusive purpose to maim or kill.

There is no utility to them. You can't use them to cut things, you can't use them to fix things. They're for beating the tar out of people, that's it.

They're no less a weapon than a knife, but at least a knife has utility. Knuckledusters have about as much utility as a tool as an intercontinental ballistic missile.

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They are deadly yeah, there's another question here.. People will never RP being hit by brass knuckles.. One hit can get you unconscious or even kill you yeah, but who role-plays that? They'd just keep fighting or pull a gun after face/head smashed with brass knuckles. 
Knifes, Katanas, Saws, etc..  I get it.. Brass Knuckles, Baseball Bats and Batons, shouldn't escalate to gun fights, some people intentionally do that to get to the gun fight. Since this is a game after all, ever one wants some action. 
I'm more of not giving it enough reason to pull a gun out unless RP is proceeded with intention on deadly harming somebody with such lethal weapons.

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Similar situation applies to Baseball bats and countless other blunt objects, as-well.

I remember a long time ago, someone got upset that my char pulled out a firearm because someone was threatening to "beat his head with a baseball bat", even though blunt trauma force to the head could be lethal. I think it should be applicable to any weapon that can lead to death, not just brass knuckles.

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