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Add coolerboxes to the storage container script.

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Detailed Description

Introduce a small/medium/large coolbox with 2500 - 5000 - 10000 gr storage capacities. With the introduction of the recent storage container script, I feel this'd be a great addition for those that often host outdoors parties etc. Putting your drinks in a proper coolbox rather than a large dufflebag just makes more sense. 


Relevant Commands/Items

Just add 3 new items:

Small Coolbox (2500g)

Medium Coolbox (5000g)

Large Coolbox (7500g or 10000g)


How will it benefit the server?

Add more immersion for those often roleplaying utilizing these items. I also see it providing usefull for people that RP fishing using fishing rods. 



I would suggest adding that it has the same functionality as a dufflebag. Allowing you to carry increased capacity (e.g if you have a duffle in your inventory, your inv capacity goes up to 15000g), rather than just having the 10000g (in case of large) capacity for the storage container itself.

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