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Allow unofficial groups to have alternative jail characters.


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As it stands currently in the "Rules Of Engagement" 


Where in groups, you are only allowed to have one character actively roleplaying in said group. There aren’t any exceptions to this rule, if you are found to have alternative characters in your faction without IFM permission, you are subjected to being striked depending on the severity of the case. Groups are subjected to administrative punishment as well and depending on the severity of the case, IFM can cease your groups operations.

I'm assuming this means you can't have jail characters that represent your faction as a gang but are in the black/white/sureno car, so I am suggesting that this rule get edited and to allow people to have two(2) character allowed in unofficial groups, one being on the outside, and one being a prison lifer. The Black Car as it stands (using this as an example) is missing out on plenty of people that have jails slots but don't use them due to them not being able to at-least represent their own faction as a prison character. I am suggesting that people be able to roleplay OGs, old-heads, members of a gang that caught a fat life sentence etc. inside of the TTCF on behalf of their faction.


I understand the rule entirely and I don't think any unofficial group should have anyone roleplaying two(2) characters that are on the outside, but what's the issue with them having one on the inside and one on the outside? You can't ever get released from prison on the lifer slot, so what's the problem? They literally are labelled JAIL ONLY SLOTS.

Edited by ZaE
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Unfortunately, this is a perk we give to factions only. This is not enforced by only the Rules of Engagement, but also Server Rules. You are not to have characters that interact with one another - by allowing any official group to use multiple characters, this opens up a massive uncontrolled circumvention whether they are jail characters or not. This benefit is reserved for factions only as it is a rule breach without administrative super-vision. Management banned the usage of jail characters for unofficial groups for this reason exactly. 


You may still roleplay a jail character, however it cannot be affiliated to the set you play on your main character.


This is not due to change any time soon as every time we've allowed it - it has resulted in abuse.

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