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The Dream Is Always the Same


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April 18th, Morningwood


An ear bit free.


A thumb in the eye.

A shiv through the ribs.

Hands pinned.

Throat cut.


Legs kick and writhe.

The taste of iron.

Eyes bulging.

Feet Squirming.


Lips turn blue.

Wet inhalation.

Like being pulled beneath the current.

And then you woke up.


In the middle of a broken plaza, illuminated in a cone of light.

Two cops; one slim, one sturdy.

They are on the city stage.

But only one of them knows her lines.


You woke up before dawn again.

You're making an awful habit of it, aren't you?

A morning spent dragging your ass through the motions.

You're getting tired of being tired; what does that make you?


You went for a bike ride and you basked in the morning sun.

It did you some good, you think.

You usually work at night, so you don't get to feel the sun too often these days.

It gave you a funny feeling, one you're not sure you can put words to.


It gave you a warm feeling of solace.

Like you'd make it.

It felt like conviction.

Conviction for all the wrongs you've done.


Maybe you're just sleep deprived and suffering delusions of grandeur.

Are they still delusions if you're self-aware about them?

You should get off of this line of thought.

The train leaves at five, just about every day.


You're still trying to internalize your conversation with Pierce.

You talked to her, finally, about what's on your mind.

You told her about what you dream about.

You swear saw fear in her eyes, but she'd never admit that to you.


You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Dinarra Horowitz.

Some days you feel like you've only got a few strings to anchor you from that wind.

Selene is one of them.

Like that alcoholic wine aunt always helping you fix your life, because she's been-there-done-that.


You talked for an awful long time and she did her best.

You're still not sure if her best was good enough.

You understand what she wants from you.

But you're not sure if you have the strength to do it.


She told you it's not your fault.

She did her best to hammer that point home hard; easier said than done.

Forgiving someone else is hard.

Forgiving yourself is even harder.






The train arrives at the station.

It's Tuesday, but you're thinking back to Sunday.

You and Dulce were slow to reach a shooting.

You saw two deputies die for it.


It made you feel awfully similar to how the dream does.

Pierce and her both insisted it wasn't your fault.

You were hurt, you weren't about to run straight into gunfire.

A head injury, from getting whacked over your melon with a spray can.


You didn't even realize you were bleeding until you were cuffing the guy up.

You were dripping all over yourself, and him.

You didn't feel a goddamn thing, in the heat of the moment.

Adrenaline coursing through your veins, like battery acid.


That fleeting sensation of a chase is what gives you purpose.

Those few minutes you spend running somebody down.

When you make a hook, you feel like you're on top of the world.

Your instincts tell you that it's good; your conscience tells you that it's dangerous.


Back to Dulce.

You think she likes you a fair bit.

You don't know very much about her, though.

You've never asked her about her, not that you've had time.


You keep wanting to, but she's a superior.

You feel weird getting to know people who're in charge of you.

Do you come off as an ambitious boot, or would they see you as a genuine friend and colleague?

Tough question, kid, let's save it for another day.


She's good on scenes, and you feel confident working with her.

She directs, you do.

You have this strange, arcane fear of most supervisors, but not of her.

You're still trying to figure out what drives it; dread of the superego, maybe?

Edited by catdanny
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April 21st, Cougar Ave


Wrestled to the floor like an animal.

An ear bit free.


A thumb in the eye.

A shiv through the ribs.

Hands pinned.

Throat cut.


Legs kick and writhe.

The taste of iron.

Eyes bulging.

Feet Squirming.


Lips turn blue.

Wet inhalation.

Like being pulled beneath the current.

And then you woke up.


You wound up on another deputy shooting last night.

This time they have a suspect.

Not directly, but a gang affiliation.

God help you, if you ever try to hook one of them.


You've never seen red on duty before.

Last night was something of an anomaly.

Something in you wanted to march down there and play hero.

They'd have probably killed you for it.


You were just talking to him not fifteen minutes before it happened.

He came to back you, Allen and Romero up on a call.

It could just as easily have been you.

Sometimes you wonder if having to hook these people is a mistake.


You hope to God you have a call in their area.

You know they'll resist.

You want them to give you an excuse.

You want to hurt somebody.


That's a dangerous line of thinking.

One you can never express to anyone.

You're not going to tarnish your principles; that'd make you just like them.

But you're not going to pull any more punches, either.

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April 23rd, Paleto Bay

No nightmares for a change.

You're not sure if it's the company, or the alcohol.

You told your friends you were okay.

Okay people don't bawl their eyes out while they're nigh-blackout drunk.


You don't vent your problems very often.

Especially to your co-workers.

This was different, though.

You saw Dawson kicking herself around and you just couldn't help yourself.


It's your first good night sleep in weeks.

A true, good night rest.

No waking up tired.

No waking up mid-way through the night.


The hangover was one of the worst you've had.

If not the worst.

You lied and said that it wasn't that bad.

You feel almost obligated to wear a brave face sometimes.


People depend on you to hold your shit together.

So that's what you're going to do your best to do.

You wish you could have consoled Jill a little bit better than you did.

Or rather, than you didn't; you didn't say anything at all.


You don't know what she expects from you; are you a horrible friend?

Maybe pretending you've got your shit together will help her.

Not telling her that you're lonely and miserable might make your advice more valuable.

Smile like you mean it.

Edited by catdanny
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April 26th, Strawberry


Three inmates.

Wrestled to the floor like an animal.

An ear bit free.


A thumb in the eye.

A shiv through the ribs.

Hands pinned.

Throat cut.


Legs kick and writhe.

The taste of iron.

Eyes bulging.

Feet Squirming.


Lips turn blue.

Wet inhalation.

Like being pulled beneath the current.

And then you woke up.


"Are you nervous?"
That's what Dawson asked you on scene.

"I've never fired my weapon outside of the range."

That's not something you should ever tell somebody, moments before a gunfight.


You're not sure what you should have expected.

Nothing happened.

No gunfire, no big action sequence.

You stood on your corner, tense as a wound spring and nothing came of it.


Probably one of your most nerve-wracking experiences.

It isn't the thought of actually getting into a fight that alarms you.

It's the quiet beforehand that makes your mind run.

Makes you think things no one in their right mind ought to.


Your biggest fear isn't getting killed, or killing somebody.

It's killing the wrong somebody.

You're not sure what you'd do if you trained your barrel on the wrong person.

Maybe it's dark, maybe it's raining, all the same in the end.


That's all you could think about, during the anticipation.

What if you catch someone in the crossfire?

What if you shoot Dawson in the back?

You hope you never have to draw your weapon, but you know that's just wishful thinking.


There was a young boy snooping around the scene.

You thumbed him for a scout from the local gang.

You told Dawson, and she went to talk to him.

Your intuition was right, but it was only half right.


He couldn't have been much older than twelve or thirteen.

Told you about his mother, she's a deadbeat.

Told you about his grandmother, she's a deadbeat.

The people in that gang take better care of him than anybody else does.


You suppose that's how it goes, usually.

Grooming, preening, call it what you will.

He wanted better for himself, he knew he deserved better, even that young.

Told you and Dawson he didn't like living there.


You gave him your coat, it was raining and he needed it more than you did.

You introduced him to Scott and Donny.

You figure they probably pulled him as a CI, if it took that long.

What you did today made someone's life better than it was before; and that's enough for you.

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"I, Dinarra Horowitz, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of San Andreas against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of San Andreas; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter."

(A quick shout-out.)


((I wanted to say thank you to everyone whose made the first month of this character so tremendously amazing to play. I've laughed and I've cried and I've laughed so hard I've cried with my homies in the Sheriff's Dept and outside. If I interact with you on the regular, you know who you are. Especially if you're included below. Now that I've finished with my trainee phase, there's plenty more excitement to come. I appreciate everyone who reads the nonsense that I post here. It makes my day without fail. Please enjoy my collage of some of these moments from this character's boot-hood.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so is the context to these.))





























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Your graduation.

Seven weeks after hitting the streets and you're still breathing.

You lived long enough to graduate.

What a long, strange journey it's been.

Yet, here you are, your career hasn't even started yet.


Everyone you know has congratulated you on your efforts.

You're a real member of the department, now.

Your station pin makes you proud.

You've got nobody looking over your shoulder, now.


Carve your own path, or die trying.

You know where your path is going to lead you.

Pierce made the choice easy for you, after what happened.

Give them hell, Deputy.




Cougar Ave

You told Shay as soon as you got home.

You guys partied until sunrise.

You're almost certain he loves you.

After what happened with your recent flame, you're not sure how to pursue that.


Friends have a funny way of not being friends for long, when you fool around.

You've got your mind on other things, though.

The past seven weeks have changed you.

Whether or not for the better, you're still trying to figure out.


Your temper is quicker to rise than it has ever been.

You went your entire probation without firing your weapon.

After all the shit you've been given, the knocks and the kicks to the teeth.

You're really itching to learn what it feels like.


It's something that cruises through the back of your mind.

You've been powerless for so long, but now you're in the system.

As far as most of these people are concerned, you are the system, now.

One day you're going to dish what you've been dealt, and you'll grin doing it.




May 2nd, Davis Station

It's been a minute, and you've been taken in as a probie for OSS.

You're a GET deputy, now.

Mulholland praised you for being able to switch on, and stay on.

Now it's time to show everyone else you can do that.


Kacerosky went over the detail with you.

He encouraged you to keep your business in-house, if you can.

They'll take care of you.

You wouldn't have it any other way.


He and Ostrowski took you out.

Showed you a little more intimately how they operate.

He even all but spoon-fed you your first big report.

It surprised you, but it didn't bother you; not one bit.


You did a good portion of your probationary work on your first night.

Not that you're going to slap-dick around for the rest of it.

You're going to wow a motherfucker by the end of it.

You swear by it.




May 2nd, Ginger Street

It's been one of the longest nights you've had in a while.

You were out till sun-up serving a warrant that had no business being accepted.

See-through, flimsy, it was dogshit; the worst you've ever seen.

You framed it and put it on your desk.


You and Calhoun led half the department on a wild goose chase.

A crime broadcast on a red buffalo.

You found one, and blood on the sidewalk.

That turned into an all-nighter with nothing tangible whatsoever.


A little bit of suspect tampering here.

A subtle thread of administrative hold there.

The guy even asked you for your badge number.

You're not sorry for it.


Is Donald a good influence for you?

Hell no.

Is Donald someone you look up to with a stupid little grin?

Hell yes.


His style is fast and loose.

Your life has been arbitrated by rules since you were a kid.

You've lived by the book, now you've got the chance to do otherwise.

He's teaching you that what works isn't always what's written down.

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May 4th, Davis.
To live and die in Los Santos.

Horowitz strays just a little further from the retinue of sensible justice.

Her mentor figure does not dissuade the idea that sometimes, people need to die; sometimes, you need to do it yourself.






May 4th, Davis Station Briefing


Three inmates.

Wrestled to the floor like an animal.

An ear bit free.


A thumb in the eye.

A shiv through the ribs.

Hands pinned.

Throat cut.


Legs kick and writhe.

The taste of iron.

Eyes bulging.

Feet Squirming.


Lips turn blue.

Wet inhalation.

Like being pulled beneath the current.

And then you woke up.


The dream came back last night.

It comes and it goes, but it doesn't stay gone for long.

A little while without the restless nights, and now they're back.

Maybe that pride of yours is finally starting to check itself.


GET is about what you were told it would be.

It's the wild-wild-west of South Central if you've ever seen it.

Fast and loose.

That's what it says on everything but the paper you dish out.


You've been a busy little bee, ever since you put on the vest.

You weren't sure what you would make of this at first.

Would it be too hard?

Would it be too much work?




Your output is high and your mind is still sharp.

These people have your back, that much was made clear to you.


You've partnered with Kreutz.

You've partnered with Coleman.

You've helped Castillo with an investigation.

But you've still not fired your weapon.


You want to show them you've got what it takes.

You're certain none of them are shy to the notion.

They've all pulled the trigger.

Now it comes down to you, sport.


You served an HRAW with nothing but guys from your unit.

It was the smoothest pick-up you've ever made.

Who's going to reach for their strap with five guns in their face, anyhow?

You wouldn't have it any other way.




May 1st, Davis Station Basement

Ed Kacerosky, your team leader.

You're yet to actually spell his name right on paper.

He gave you the show-through on your first day.

Told you how things work in his element.


You're not the same person you were eighteen months ago.

You've watched men and women die.

You've gotten your ass kicked more than once.

You've exercised force.


He sold you the moment he opened his mouth.

"Everyone here has your back."

You're confident they won't rat-fuck you.

N-I-S till the day you die.


He took you out on patrol with Ostrowski.

He gave you the show of how they operate.

He even served you up your first entry.

You went on to do the same thing for King, with Coleman.


There's a lot you can learn from Ed.

You have tremendous respect for people like him.

People who look after their own.

You're not afraid to fly your ribbons around this man.


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