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Prohibit Hits ~15-30min Before Daily Restart

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Prohibit hits and robberies from being committed 15-30~ minutes before the daily restart. There is a current meta: Hit the opposition or perform an armed robbery before the restart, because by the time anyone responds (LEO, FD) or any of your enemies retaliate, the server will restart and you can get away with it due to no evidence, or just not logging back in afterward with the excuse of that you went to bed during the restart. This meta has been big on the server for a long, long time and I've only seen it get more frequent lately. This is not a timezone issue. If you're on ~30 minutes before restart you'll probably be on before that or after that. 30 minutes is the standard courtesy timer for disconnecting anyway. We cannot prove that someone didn't reconnect to avoid consequences, because it's easy to explain that you just "logged off at reset."

Obviously exceptions to this can be made if the target(s) have not been on/available to be hit until 30 minutes before the server restarts, or for an organic situation that occurs due to RP and escalation. That being said, I've personally noticed a lot of shootings around 5-15 minutes before reset that are timed that way to get away scot-free and it's pretty unfair to all parties except for the attacking one(s). The defenders miss out on being able to counterattack, the LEOs and forensics miss out on being able to actually investigate, and FD can't get there in time to do anything most of the time. Coroner's are also at a complete loss, because bodies disappear on restart. It becomes not worth it to even call the police or RP around the scene whatsoever, and is incredibly cheap from an RP perspective on things, using an automatic server reset to absolve any trace of what happened.



2 minutes before restart today

15 min before restart in Legion Square (old clip)

Same clip below, just what actually happened from someone's perspective who saw the entire thing.



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