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Have /fixveh also flip a vehicle in the right orientation.


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At the moment, it happens a lot when you spawn in a larger vehicle that its flipped to its side, see the exemple below. Right now, we have to /report to have it flipped back correctly, because /fixveh only teleports it in its current orientation; it remains flipped. I suggest /fixveh also flips our vehicles in the correct orientation.


People have said in the previous suggestion to ''buy or call a towtruck''. Towtrucks arent always available for this minor OOC issue, and it makes 0 sense for my character or company to buy a towtruck. So I actually am now going off of one of the replies in the previous topic; have /fixveh get our vehicles in the right orientation (Credits to @root )




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How will it benefit the server?

- Save admin time.

- Save player time.

Requiring a tow truck to fix a bug is kinda weird

- It's common when you spawn your vehicle only to find out some other player already parked there, then you mess both of the cars. 

Edited by ThatDutchPerson
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