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/flip [Vehicle ID] - Save an admin's time, flip our vehicles ourselves!


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Detailed Description

At the moment, it happens a lot when you spawn in a larger vehicle that its flipped to its side, see the exemple below. Right now, we have to /report to have it flipped back correctly, because /fixveh only teleports it in its current orientation; it remains flipped. If we are given a command that flips our vehicles over, we could do this ourselves.

Abuse is very minor, because /flip only works when you're out of the vehicle. Possibly add a timer? With the timer, you can't use /flip after x amount of minutes post-spawning.




Relevant Commands/Items

/flip [Vehicle ID from /vget list]


How will it benefit the server?

- Save admin time.

- Save player time.

- Quality of life

Edited by ThatDutchPerson
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It’s not the worst idea, but I can see it easily being misused whether it’s to avoid roleplay situations or to glitch through things, so it’s going to be a no from me. If I’m not wrong, this has been suggested once before as well. Really the only option is to /report or call a tow truck if it flipped due to something IC.

Edited by tomatoz
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Good thing is the fact that will save a lot of time for both players and admins, bad thing is that can be abused when someone actually had an accident and he voids it. It should be maybe attached to /fixveh - when you /fixveh, the vehicle should respawn flipped upwards. 

It's common when you spawn your vehicle only to find out some other player already parked there, then you mess both of the cars. 

Hopefully it'll not be abused - I'm supporting this suggestion.

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