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help in a whitelist question


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hey there, a friend of mine has been stuck for a long time in this question of the whitelist. I've tried helping him reading the rules and all that but we don't see the issue in this question. I put the question here, and his response. Maybe one of you can help him. Appreciated thanks.







When going into the shop, they didn't roleplay the situation properly. Just an /me isn't enough to commit any type of crime. They should make a suitable roleplay with everyone involved, including the usage of /rob command. Also, they didn't perform the car robbery well, even more if it is a daylight robbery in a highly populated area. This has to be performed with /me and /do carefully. This robbery is a complete mess and something like this has not to be roleplayed this way. Robbing people inside a shop with cameras inside, in a highly populated area and at daytime aren't the correct characteristics to do something like this, it's clearly a Powergaming rule breaching, even if it was at night and there were only one person inside the shop, they would be powergaming if they rob the shop with the cameras inside. This has to be done under IFM permission.


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We can't really give you the answers as that's against the rules. The answers are all in the rules list. Think of it like an open-textbook test. The answers are all there written out for him, all he has to do is understand them rules. So yeah... just re-read them rules. I know that's not the answer you're looking for, but the question is not rocket science, it's not a trick question or anything. All I can say is that the question has a clear answer it's looking for, an answer that is very clearly found in the rules (I just did) and your response doesn't have that answer.

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No one can help you or your friend with the replies to application questions. That's something your friend needs to figure out through reading the rules.

They can also reach out to the support member that denied their application and ask for guidance, but no answers will be given to the question itself.

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