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[LSNN] Interview with State Senator Gabriella Beltran

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Interview with State Senator Gabriella Beltran





Los Santos, SA - On 24th November 2021, Valeria Andreeva conducted an interview with State Senator Gabriella Beltran. This is the written version of the interview which was held on air, in the LSNN studio.



Valeria Andreeva and Gabriella Beltran in the LSNN studio




Valeria Andreeva: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. You're watching an exclusive interview with Senator Gabriella Beltran, representative of District 26 and a member of the Republican Caucus. Senator Beltran, good to have you here with us tonight! Please, introduce yourself to our audience.


Gabriella Beltran: Thank you Miss. Andreeva, as you said I am Gabriella Beltran Republican Senator of District 26. I am a Los Santos native and just a down-to-earth person, really. I am very social and I love interacting in the community in any way that I can.


Valeria Andreeva: As expected of a Senator. Before we proceed with the pressing matters, our audience would like to know a little more about you. Our sources tell us you are quite young, yes? What is the motivation behind the decision to become such an important figure within politics?


Gabriella Beltran: I am one of the younger Senators to hold a chair. I didn't start out life saying I am going to be an important person. I was attending school for criminal Law and Policy, looking to become a prosecutor. I was introduced to the Senate a while back and quickly took an interest in the political aspect of government. I have always wanted to make a difference, I feel like taking this step in my career will allow me to do so on a larger volume.


Valeria Andreeva: Let's talk politics. Senator Beltran, can you share your thoughts about the recent bill about the marriage act and the circumstances around it?


Gabriella Beltran: I assure you are speaking about the recent one that caused a rather debate on the chamber’s floor. I believe that there are some wording choices that need to be adjusted. I also believe that there is some vagueness that needs to be cleared regarding the physical assets of a deceased. I mean, between the two Caucuses we can come to an agreement to get it passed.


Valeria Andreeva: Well. Through the marriage act bill, the Republicans introduced an amendment to repeal the death penalty act. How do you personally feel about the entire endeavor and what's your stance on it?


Gabriella Beltran: That is a great question, as you are aware I was one of the Democrats that had voted for abolishing the death penalty. When it comes to that particular act I guess I am bi-partisan to the fullest. I can see both positives and negatives from both parties. It was a difficult decision, I never want to see a crime punished by death, but I also believe there are some crimes that are unforgivable. I guess that would be my stance, a hung jury so to speak.


Valeria Andreeva: As you said, some crimes are unforgivable. Do you feel like the punishment for those aforementioned crimes is just, in that case, with the absence of the death penalty?


Gabriella Beltran: In my opinion, life imprisonment with no chance of parole would be much worse than the death penalty.


Valeria Andreeva: Fair point, Miss Beltran. Moving on, let's talk about poverty. I've come to learn that you're very passionate about poverty-struck societies. I've concluded a lot of investigations revolving around it and I have my speculations. What's the importance of tackling crime to help communities stricken by poverty, given the connections between poverty and crime? Considering poverty is one of the leading forces when it comes to violence and crimes.


Gabriella Beltran: I agree that tackling crime is the first way of helping those poverty-stricken areas. I feel like increasing punishments for crimes, making the earlier crimes more of an impact, is something that makes a statement. Not to mention looking to increase employment opportunities, give the people a positive to focus on. Working hard to rebuild the economy, being proactive in the youth, giving jobs. Helping is what we need to do.


Valeria Andreeva: Many of the people living in those poverty-stricken neighborhoods are homeless, specifically young people. And we all know how deadly and cold the streets can be. The increase of employment opportunities would surely benefit the cause, but do you feel like it would somehow encourage those homeless people to seize these opportunities? Many of them likely won’t be given the chance.


Gabriella Beltran: I have some things at work to help motivate the homeless to feel confident in seizing the opportunities. Offering a resumes seminar, or working with the local university to open their facilities for a warm shower to help jump start those days. Nothing is in stone or in writing, like I said these are future things I want to accomplish.


Valeria Andreeva: I came to learn about a-- [Valeria checks one of the papers on the table.] --Hanukkiah resolution. Is that your most recent movement?


Gabriella Beltran: That is a resolution I am working on, I have already submitted a resolution to observe Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as state-wide observed holidays. That one is still pending a committee hearing.


Valeria Andreeva: To conclude this interview, is there anything you'd like to add, Miss Beltran?


Gabriella Beltran: I just want to conclude with that I am very appreciative of the opportunity to help San Andreas in any way that I can. I look forward to learning and growing. Thank you, Valeria.


Valeria Andreeva: Thank you for being with us tonight.







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