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jail or ban everyone looting corpses during or soon after a crime scene (ESPECIALLY IF COPS ARE THERE)

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On 10/16/2021 at 11:19 PM, LizziePup said:

Like has been said by other people, a big problem with this sort of thing is how little it will actually be spotted by anyone. Maybe some sort of admin alert, the same way I've seen with certain weapons or car breakins. To get past the large amount of false alarms that'd cause, maybe add some kind of command that ignores that alert for coroners, FD, detectives, etc. Even if it's not to jump and spectate to, it gives some evidence to point to if that particular player is spotted looting multiple bodies frequently.
Edit: Ideally the "command" looting would still be logged, just not publicly in admin chat until it's looked into. Something like a command to pull up an index of the most recent x# player-body inventory interactions.


Or maybe restrict "looting" to on-duty legal faction members, or anyone after a certain amount of time has passed? Find a solution that would eliminate the ability to pick up a weapon or items off a fresh body entirely. I can't find a common circumstance in which someone gets killed and someone else has to pick up their items in that exact moment - especially since that would probably mean that the killer is still around.

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14 minutes ago, Goonbag said:

To be fair if a pistol ran for the same price as a low-end apartment in real life I’d be sprinting into active shootings to pick up a dropped gat too. 



This is true, unfortunately. In a real life scenario, looting a dead corpse for a pistol or an AK would be extremely stupid. On here, though, you can literally sell that weapon and buy a good car or even an apartment. For one single weapon. It's comparable to running into a real shooting to get a piece of gold or a big stack of money - and in such a situation, trust me, many people would.


Not that I think it's realistic - it makes sense in our context, but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. The way to fix this would be to have way more weapons, make them common and easy tk get as they are in the US, in 2021, while drastically increasing the punishments that come with misusing guns.

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