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UCP Changelog

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Revision 2.5


    UCP is now mobile friendly and responsive (Andrei)
    Tester viewing app functions
    Automatic unban on UCP after tempban expires when you login (Duco)
    Tempban feature (Duco + Justus)
    Lookup restrictions
    Lookup styling (Duco)
    Change your phone number via character view
    Change your name via character view
    Change your vehicle plate via character view
    The thumbs up image will now show properly depending on your donator rank
    * You can now redeem your world points for individual items and other stuff.
    status.gta.world (Andrei)
    Paypal button styling
    Some errors on forms not being returned / success messages
    Changed how /es and /fr and /en work, it's all been cleaned up and more SEO friendly
    Email error after paying via stripe.
    Mini stats on characters index page not formatting properly
    Issue with user lookup (Duco)
    Lookup applications errors (Duco)



* Feature is disabled due to pending changes, this will be up and running tomorrow.


Big thanks to @andreiwow2 for his quick work, he will be joining the development team as a full stack developer helping with minor and major changes :)







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Revision 2.7


You can now select a character when redeeming a donation item
Added 'premium' button and styling to the add funds button
Fixed logo linking to wrong site
Fixed typos on donation redeem page
Added premium expiration date on char view
Bronze, silver and gold premiums now properly add your namechanges and others
You can no longer change your phone number to one that already exists
Changed play time to hours
Can no longer redeem premium stuff while logged in
UCP homepage now shows the amount of online players

Fixed status page loading very very slowly (Andrei)
Fixed modal submit interfering with other form posts (Duco)


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Revision 2.7.5


Reverted Halloween theme
Added internal staff list
Fixed staff members roles being duplicated
Changed login page styling
Added the social links to the bottom of the sidebar and fixed them overlapping other content

Team Members:
  - Dynamic news posting, can now be posted by developers and it will update, refresh and paginate automatically (Andrei)
  - Redirecting to homepage when trying to access stuff you shouldn't (Duco)
  - Query changes to staff stats (Duco)
  - Can no longer access the banned page if you're not banned (Duco)


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Revision 2.8


This update focuses on bug cleanups that have been detected through our live bug alert system.


Autoban / Ban evading features
Fixed registering being logged as password_resets instead of registers
Added featured videos on the homepage from our community members, we'll be opening a voting system for this soon + screenshots
Updated the donator page to reflect EULA changes
Username error on some banned pages
Halloween_logo.png 404 erroring, was supposed to be removed prior
Changed the little stats images on homepage
Fixed the online user count not showing correctly, was previously always showing 0
Removed the discord widget from the homepage (This was triggering over 500 image downloads when the page loaded, making it very, very slow)
Fixed some code on the homepage causing thousands of queries
Fixed the stats on homepage being very slow

Namechanging now validates it's a unique name (Duco)
Fixed an issue on the settings page where you could leave the email blank and it would error (Duco)
User lookup for admins edited (Duco)


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Revision 3


Added a nice glow to the online player count when it's above a certain number
Changed the pulsating player count image
Added discord link under community content
Added buttons ontop of the user profile page, it will have some unused links (Faction Menu + Polls) for now until they're fully released
Added world map link to user profile
Added world map to status.gta.world
Fixed some large phone numbers causing crashes

Team Members:

Added GTA World map (map.gta.world), it will show houses and soon turfs once requested (JoeWarner)
Fixed some issues on the application staff module (Duco)
Admin functions edited (Duco)









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Revision 3.1

Added a fuel meter on vehicles on UCP view
Online users count now auto updates every 10 seconds w/o refreshing
You will now be emailed when you get banned
Added /players, will show all online players and add tags for factions & staff colors
Added internal plagarism checking algorithm
Fixed /players doing 267 queries, instead of 6
Re-added the discord tag on the homepage with the player count, now doesn't load 500 images
Fixed an issue where submitting an application would cause errors & send duplicates

Team Members:
You can now login with username OR email (Duco)
Limited phone number to a maximum of 8 (Duco)
Fixed Applications & Characters, if more than 4 would go off the screen (Duco)
LSPD Forums styling (JoeWarner)



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Revision 3.5


Added a cool jailbar over your character when in jail on your character view.
Turfs and stats now open in a new tab
Added characterid to lookup
Fixed pressing ENTER on settings acting weird, now fixed.

Added admin refund panel
Added XMAS theme
Added black friday sales
Fixed mails not sending on donations
$ -> Euro on donations
Fixed donating $25 not giving black friday points

Fixed password setting to null on register, stopping you from going IG
When you next login to the UCP, this will automatically fix it, so relog on the UCP.

Redirect issue on donation trigger (Duco)
Fixed autoban duping bans (Duco)


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