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How to get into illegal RP?


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Hey folks! 


First of all let me tell you that I am being genuine and honest, and also that I am not trying to encourage meta gaming by posting this. 

Second, let me say that I was actually a little hesitant to post this, because I'm afraid it makes it look like I lack creativity or I'm trying to avoid properly roleplaying things. 


So with that out of the way let's get on with it: can you guys give me some tips and pointers of the different styles of illegal RP and how to get into it? I've tried it a few times, but with portraying a realistic character I haven't managed to get into any substantial illegal RP. 


Is the mindset of roleplaying an average Joe that gets sucked into the crime lifestyle more and more, ever so slowly, not the right mindset? 

Does creating a character tailored to a mob or gang bring more success? 


Please enlighten me if you can! 


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I'll be real, just show up!

Many Factions can guide you into the way of illegal roleplay very easily, and most if not all have Discords where you'll be able to comment and ask for tips. But the best way you can, is by showing up and roleplaying with them straight away like you would if you was going to a club/house/shop or anything on the legal side of roleplay and you'll be slowly dragged into the life naturally anyway. Your char can even start out on the legal side, full of hopes and dreams but lacking something to pursue that, be it education, money or a family that supports you and such, it's very much the same as legal roleplay but the only difference is,


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15 minutes ago, Pruto said:

Is the mindset of roleplaying an average Joe that gets sucked into the crime lifestyle more and more, ever so slowly, not the right mindset? 

Does creating a character tailored to a mob or gang bring more success? 

I think the mindset of an average joe slowly getting into crime can sometime backfire on people who haven't really played a criminal before. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad way of going about a character but sometimes it feels like these characters are going too slow about their transformation or are somehow a bit awkward in the way they do so. You've got to start with something, most commonly I suggest people to start off immediately as a low level drug dealer or car thief. At least then you have something of value you can offer criminal groups and your character would at least be open to the idea of criminality. 


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truth be told? the most interesting and creative way is going around businesses and trying to make a name for yourself somehow. work your way through people, see whos who, or just pm the faction leader and make a character in their faction yup thats bout it

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Also, depends on what type of group you're trying to join. For example, if you're trying to join an MC, simply find an MC that fits your character, don't try to join a white MC with a black character etc, ride american bikes or just simply be interested and RP a nooby to the whole scene; RP at their businesses if they have any, get a job there, show an interest, or simply hang around and support the club. I think alot of MC's would enjoy having younger characters that may have never even ridden bikes before become hangarounds and supporters, teaching them how to ride and working with a clean slate, showing them the ropes.

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1 hour ago, Pruto said:

Does creating a character tailored to a mob or gang bring more success? 


IMO, yes.


Take a look at the illegal factions, and pick out a few that are interesting to you, then create a character that you want to play and would make a good fit for a faction.  Keep in mind a lot of factions have the right to CK your character, so don't get too attached.


If you want to go it alone, there's car thievery, breaking into houses, robbing people, being a small time drug dealer. 

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I think joining a faction of the illegal style you want to portray is your best bet if you’re new. 

There’s absolutely no point trying to go at it alone when there’s plenty of people out there willing to help you within factions, you can do it solo later on when you know what you’re doing.

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