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Allow non-CEF methods of doing things


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Can we be given the access to do /deposit and /withdraw without having to use our mouse and delay a quick trip to the bank?


Can we use /setvolume to change the volume of the radio we're listening to, without having to type out /radioshow, F3, change volume with mouse, and /radiohide?


There are way too many CEF features in the server, even for simple and basic things, that it seems a bit excessive. I've been gone a while so I don't know how or when this all changed, but can we get the old system back in addition to the current system?

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Yes, yes, yes.


Every single feature that is implemented — if applicable — should have:

  • A command to open a CEF menu
  • A command to open a simple UI menu (old arrow key, enter key style)
  • A command that uses the same base as the simple UI menu, but allows additional arguments for quick usage


Example: the LEO uniform script.

/uniforms (currently /uniform) should open the CEF UI
/uniform (currently /changeuniform) should open up the simple arrow key switching menu to quick swap into a uniform without going through CEF
/uniform <number> (e.g. /uniform 4)  should allow you to select a uniform slot by number




If the commands and interactions behind all of the features were thought out in this type of way, the user experirence would be drastically improved.


(P.S. management, it's not too late to go back and re-assess things that've already been implemented and not given this level of attention detail or care. We should be doing that)




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6 hours ago, Jennie said:

Some CEF menus are totally unnecessary, I don't know why to impose it when both options can coexist.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't mind if the CEF exists because I'm sure other people probably love it for some reason, but I simply hate using it and would prefer to type it out.


My hands are already at my keyboard, I don't want to have to use my mouse unnecessarily for something that can be typed out quicker. CEF menus take up screen real estate, and I can't move or drive when they pop up. 

23 minutes ago, u10sil said:

Yes, yes, yes.


Every single feature that is implemented — if applicable — should have:

  • A command to open a CEF menu
  • A command to open a simple UI menu (old arrow key, enter key style)
  • A command that uses the same base as the simple UI menu, but allows additional arguments for quick usage


Example: the LEO uniform script.

/uniforms (currently /uniform) should open the CEF UI
/uniform (currently /changeuniform) should open up the simple arrow key switching menu to quick swap into a uniform without going through CEF
/uniform <number> (e.g. /uniform 4)  should allow you to select a uniform slot by number




If the commands and interactions behind all of the features were thought out in this type of way, the user experirence would be drastically improved.


(P.S. management, it's not too late to go back and re-assess things that've already been implemented and not given this level of attention detail or care. We should be doing that)




Exactly what you said. 


Simple UI menu's great because at least I can drive and scroll through. I can't close the CEF screens with F4 unless I spam it a couple times, and plus it blocks my screen for no reason. It's excessive and isn't that special of a feature. Having options for everything would be grand, like the 3 bulletpoints in your post.

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I never really got the trend of having a fancy, big CEF menu for the most trivial things whilst not offering a simple alternative such as a dialogue menu or straight text input. A lot of things feel rather like a chore than a "neat little feature" - phone lock codes, deposits and withdrawal from bank accounts, switching uniforms...

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