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Carina Montez


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Vtks Classical Hit

Vespucci, 2021.

“A weapon is a tool," she repeated, a little breathlessly. "A tool for killing and destroying. And there will be times when, as an Envoy, you must kill and destroy. Then you will choose and equip yourself with the tools that you need. But remember the weakness of weapons. They are an extension--you are the killer and destroyer. You are whole, with or without them.”




Carina is a short girl standing about 5'1 tall, born and raised in the heart of Vespucci, Lost Santos in 1 July 2005. She's raised by her grand mother, parents being away from when she was only eight years old working in another country due the financial struggles they had, but despite that they keep a close connection on the phone, talking on a daily basis and having a pretty wealthy relationship with them. She never had problems growing up, spending most of her childhood around cousins and aunts by the fact that she comes from a big family, developing a social character and a low fuse flaw.


About her appearance, she has a skinny regular body for a teenager girl, her beauty mark above her lip making her look more "rough", but in reality she is friendly with everyone she seems to like. She tries getting to know everyone around, making a "good" impression but doesn't really care unless it's a big homie that tells her so. She wears baggy clothes and most likely you will see her with braids and a cap, cheap mascara around her lashes that is most likely stolen from her mother's drawer.




Carina is currently 15 years old, hanging around Vespucci with her friends and her boyfriend Eric, trying her best to understand the hood life and the bounds around it, coming up with new ideas and being clear minded when needed in a serious moment. She's most likely to come up with the most stupid idea but that will actually bring a lot of profits, using her originality in various ways of improving the hood and herself.


She's going around her BMX, looking in rich hoods around for clothes hanging around and stealing them when no one is watching, going in thrift shops to sell them for some pocket money or exchanging them for the clothes she likes, that being the only way for her to make money momentarily. 



She wants to improve herself, passionate around biking area and painting, trying to bring those in the "hood" style better than the "school" style.
She's trying to make everyone a friend, but no one will know if she wants that for a profit or a friendship, being very manipulative and keeping her thought low-K from the rest, exchanging her thoughts most likely only with Eric, the only person she beliefs 100% due her developing trust issues from her parents leaving her at such a young age, trying to join the gang life to escape her "home" thought and filling her brain with the hood style but without realizing that can be her heaven and her hell.





Edited by Romi
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