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coco ortega: money never stops (18+)


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Sex Trafficking - When an adult engages in a commercial sex act, such as prostitution, as the result of force, threats of force, fraud, coercion or any combination of such means, that person is a victim of trafficking.



Carmen "Coco" Ortega is a Jamestown local resident who, under extreme circumstances, is forced into prostitution and subject to almost daily humiliation.


Carmen "Coco" Ortega, a former street hooker, has recently been freed from her former life by her newfound lover, William Iovino, a member of the mob and a man more than twice her age. Her hustle, however, never stops.

This thread will follow her development. Viewer discretion is advised.



While no overly explicit screenshots (nudity, detailed sexual RP) will be posted, certain scenes may include innuendos or suggestive lines. Therefore, it's best for individuals under 18 to stay away from this thread.

The identities of anyone who does any kind of explicit RP with Carmen will be strictly kept confidential OOC. If certain explicit scenes are crucial to Carmen's development, I will ask for your permission to reveal your identity in the screens. If not, I may simply use "XX" as your identity. There is no pressure for you to ERP either. A fade-to-black is sufficient to further your character's development (and mine) and can be requested.

Thank you and I look forward to roleplaying with you!

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