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Why are game limitations roleplayed?


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Before I write anything, I'm not defending the player and I'm not friends with him. I'm just genuinly curious to why World goes this route. My previous community allowed more leniency than we do.


In this court case as mentioned below, a player is being charged in relation to the events at Fantasia. And it's mainly because he malee'd innocent bystandards. What I don't understand is why this is roleplayed in the first place?


  • In what scenario would you do a 180 and hit the person behind you by accident?
  • In what scenario would you magically lock onto the wrong person and beat them to the ground?


Both of these seem like mechanical issues that forced the player to beat innocents. Now granted, people should excerise more caution to avoid it. It's not realistic what-so-ever that he would've done a 180 and began beating unrelated bystanders like he does.


So yeah, I'm not looking for an argument I'm just genuinly curious if I'm an unpopular / minority opinion here. I think its quite silly that people's characters can be entirely ruined (as a court case does) because of game mechanics that create scenarios that don't seem realistic at all. I understand in a /packed/ place you'd maybe scuff a person or two? But the person who was running completely avoided any form of roleplay, thus couldn't be tacked or reasoned with. He wouldn't be able to run that fast in a packed place either way. So realism can't be an argument here.


Once more, not reporting or complaing about the below case. Just curious about how limitations of the game are forced into roleplay.



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I've reviewed the clips multiple times and I can see they ran after one person with the /intention/ of hitting them but instead hit other people that got in the way. That's a mistake on their end and should accept the IC consequences from the aftermath. As Moonsong previously mentioned, at the time, nothing was mentioned to be lag or a genuine mistake. The event itself is pretty old and I'm pretty sure they were aware of it.  A decision was made and we'll stick by it.


Excuses like lag, I'm bugged, desync are often used as excuses for a free out of jail card. I've witnessed this happening a lot and I can give an example that crosses my mind at this moment: X drives 100mph and crashes then to avoid roleplaying they claim to be desync/lag. If we were to avoid all these situations then the roleplay quality will drop too and we'd end up having peeps using the same excuses to get away. Life is not always fair and bad things are bound to happen.


I'm one of the few players with a pretty old pc and I'm lagging quite a lot sometimes, especially in interiors. My fps can drop to 15-20. Even when I drive and textures don't load in time. This is not an excuse to avoid roleplaying.


I will lock this to avoid unnecessary drama and arguments.

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