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Add storage compartments assigned to each tenant inside interiors


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So tenants of a property, or lets say a group of people work together in an interior, each one of them should have a fixed storage of their own. 

So let's say a house has a capacity of 100KG, 

The actual owner of the house can let a tenant have a certain amount of storage that only he can access, so they can have a (lets say) a 20KG storage for themselves, that no one else can access unless they allow. 
P.S It should totally be the owners decision if they want to make the divisions or not, he can choose not to have any if he prefers it that way and its not needed for their respective property. 

This totally makes sense from a RP perspective, I don't even need to explain that part, and I don't see any disadvantages of this happening..

Might be a bit tricky to script it out proper but with could be done in a while with some trial and error, of course. If implemented a lot of stuff could get a lot easier, specially in buildings with a lot of storage like 500kg+ and so on.


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A system that doesn't let you place in specific areas makes it too easy to power game knowing where everything is.

 Being able to place items throughout the house would be best. Being able to only detect the items on your inventory if you're near them would lower metagame. 


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