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Gloves Off, Shirt Off Rework

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Short description: Add the ability to remove gloves (and remove shirts without removing gloves.)

Detailed description: Each torso value with gloves corresponds to another without while covering the same surface area in the same places.


Just like /shirt off sets your clothing to the appropriate values to produce a character model sans shirt and gloves, we can take it a step further and remove the shirt without removing the gloves, while /gloves off will allow you to remove the gloves without removing the shirt.

I'll even chart out all the current necessary switches to save some poor soul the work. They follow a pattern so there's probably an easier way to do this, but I already did it so here it is.

  • Torso Values for /gloves off: (Initial > Change)
    0-15  >  N/A
    19, 30, 41, 52, 63, 74, 85, 99, 138, 151, 171  >  0
    20, 31, 42, 53, 64, 75, 86, 100, 139, 152, 172  >  1
    21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 101, 140, 153, 173  >  2
    22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 102, 141, 154, 174  >  4
    23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 103, 142, 155, 175  >  5
    24, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79, 90, 104, 143, 156, 176  >  6
    25, 36, 47, 58, 69, 80, 91, 105, 144, 157, 177  >  8
    26, 37, 48, 59, 70, 81, 92, 106, 145, 158, 178  >  11
    27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82, 93, 107, 146, 159, 179  >  12
    28, 39, 50, 61, 72, 83, 94, 108, 147, 160, 180  >  14
    29, 40, 51, 62, 73, 84, 95, 109, 136, 137, 170  >  15
    115-121, 148, 161, 181  >  112
    122-128, 149, 162, 182 >  113
    129-135, 150, 163, 183  >  114
    184-194  >  184
  • Torso Values for /shirt off: (Initial > Change)
    0-15, 112-114, 184  >  15
    16-18  >  ? (N/A or 15)
    19-29, 115, 122, 129, 185  >  29
    30-40, 116, 123, 130, 186  >  40
    41-51, 117, 124, 131, 187  >  51
    52-62, 118, 125, 132, 188  >  62
    63-73, 119, 126, 133, 189  >  73
    74-84, 120, 127, 134, 190  >  84
    85-95, 121, 128, 135, 191  >  95
    96-98  >  ? (N/A or 15)
    99-109  >  109
    110-111  >  ? (N/A or 15)
    136, 138-150, 192  >  136
    137, 151-163, 193  >  137
    164-169  >  ? (N/A or 15)
    170-183, 194  >  170


Commands to add: /gloves off


Items to add: N/A


How would your suggestion improve the server?

Self explanatory.


Additional information: Come on, just let me take off my gloves.

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7 minutes ago, .Pluto. said:

Sounds like a good idea, it would be even better if we can remove shirt, with /shirt off (for example, jacket), but our undershirt stays on us, and the other way around.

This too would be ideal, though would require a lot of work to associate undershirt X with shirt Y.


All for this suggestion re; the gloves, though. Makes for a greater immersive experience for those who regularly wear gloves, e.g. medical staff.

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