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Property tax


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24 minutes ago, Tempesto said:

Again, the percentages can be adjusted and should be variable - not a fixed percentage for all properties (50% of 35k is one thing, 50% of 500k is another).

This sounds great but you just have to see how the car insurance script is made, where a piece of junk with tires costs you more per month than a car that costs double for the mere fact of not being in the sport class (Which is fixed to 10% for sports and less for Muscles, script doesn't care if you buy a Blista Compact for 40k or a Pariah for 500k, it will tax you 10%).



Edited by Jennie
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5 minutes ago, Jennie said:

This sounds great but you just have to see how the car insurance script is made, where a piece of junk with tires costs you more per month than a car that costs double for the mere fact of not being in the sport class (Which is fixed to 10% for sports and less for Muscles, script doesn't care if you buy a Blista Compact for 40k or a Pariah for 500k, it will tax you 10%).



I mean, it's definitely not perfect, nor can it be. It can be improved and it will definitely be improved over time.


Right now, the script we have is bottom of the barrel. It's realistic for people to roleplay as tenants or have real-estate agencies. It's normal for people to have an apartment, a vacation house and another place they lease for extra cash (not necessarily as tenants but as a side gig). It's perfectly normal for someone with experience, who does this for a living, to own an apartment building, handle the landlord responsibilities while renting the apartments - buying your 20th apartment in the same building will put you back millions of dollars here. That's highly unrealistic. I'm not talking about random X guy going and buying an entire block but rather businesses that, right now, are not able to function properly. And, in addition to this, the rest of the people not having to pay a dime in taxes in order to own a house in Vespucci.


The system I'm suggesting isn't perfect, but it's way better than the current one and it would definitely fix a lot of issues and create new roleplay, as well as improve the quality of life and realism while also adding more money to the economy, money the government will invest and recirculate.


If the negative aspect of the suggestion is "but my bartender character won't be able to afford his Paleto mansion anymore", then the problem is that person, not the system. That's the point.

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It is clear that the tax increase upon purchase is an OOC deterrent from stopping people from hogging houses. However, at one point they will be able to afford it and just own it forever with no backlash. There should be a proportional tax system that has to be paid every month on each properties you own so when someone buys a house, they can't just have it and build up the funds to buy another one. If you ain't flipping or doing some kind of work to sustain owning 4 + houses that is your fault and you'll probably be arrested for tax evasion.


A great example of the above is myself actually. I brought a Coil Raiden, but didn't have enough income to continue to pay the insurance so I had to sell it and settle for a Schafter instead.


Besides who doesn't want to see IRS chase down a man in a three piece suit for tax evasion😂


Edit: This will also stop people who work bartender jobs or general low income jobs from buying apartments. Too many people buy apartments instead of renting.

Edited by autumix
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