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Vehicle Attributes [G]

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Short description: Adding text descriptions for vehicles, allowing players to further enhance the specifications of their vehicles

Detailed description: This new addition would allow players to examine other players cars. This would increase the level of immersion allowed in roleplay scenarios, specifically those that revolve around car culture. It's just an addition to the attribute system, because if characters are allowed specific attributes, so should cars, because cars play a large part in a lot of character's personalities, and being able to display that personality on your vehicle in a clearer, more user friendly way, would definitely enhance the ability of these types of characters to develop and grow their car collection, and by proxy, their character identity.

Commands to add: /vattributes, /vsetdamages, /vexamine [license_plate]

Items to add: None

How would your suggestion improve the server? Would make the car culture a lot more detailed, and would make it easier to play out specific details about one's car. It stops people from spamming out scenes at car meets to detail their cars. Would add a new level of detail to the roleplay, and increase overall immersion

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Edited by Brian3898
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