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Vostochnaya Banda


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This faction aims to portray the struggles of immigrants from the old eastern bloc. Their struggles to find wealth, love and acceptance in the western world and how they as a family work together in unity towards realizing the American dream they each have. Immigrants from the eastern bloc are often seen as the low-life of the western society as they believe they have a tendency to criminal activities and general public disbehaviour.


This thread will evolve as the faction evolves as a whole, and our stories and story will be written into it as time passes.


By joining our faction you agree that you'll follow the server rules to the fullest and that we may CK you for any reason we see fit.


Please don't post screenshots before permission has been given.


For any inquiries, please feel free to PM any faction member.


Chapter one: The Motel


The thunder roared and the rain drummed on the many roofs of Rancho, a thick cloud of smoke would be seen appearing from a Motel in Rancho. As the cloud slowly dissolved a quiet laughter would be heard, underneath a stairwell at the motel a group of Eastern men had taken refuge from the storm and were telling hearty stories from their home regions.

As the waves of laughter dimmed, the group were in an ecstasy of happiness, and slowly began discussing their lives. Stories of crushed dreams, lost hope and love gone came up as the laughter disappeared. Their visions of the great America were nowhere close to what they had expected, working nine to five at the docks for minimum wage, living at a motel didn’t fit the description of their dreams. One man named Oleg began to describe his version of an American dream, and so the laughter broke out again as he began to describe females with large plastic breasts, expensive cars and huge mansions. They could all nod along as they all saw some element of their dream in his, but sooner than later they all got quiet again as they realised their situation. Their faces would light up as the blaze from their lighters began to light up yet another cigarette, as the smoke began to rise from the small pathway underneath the staircase the men could all agree. They were not living their dream, and they were not getting any closer doing a nine to five job at the docks. As the streetlight began to flicker the group knew it was time, they had to return to their rooms as their shifts were only getting closer.


Edited by Mahiko
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