Björk Posted February 2, 2021 Share Posted February 2, 2021 2) Powergaming It is not allowed to perform actions which would not be possible in real life either, this is not limited to roleplay through /me. It is not allowed to force actions upon another player. You are not allowed to roleplay a non-player character. E.G. Roleplay through a /me to lift up a truck. Jumping from height and not roleplaying the consequences from your fall. Roleplay through a /me to shoot a player with the result of the player ending up dead in the process. Looting a stash without properly roleplaying its description (nor knowing about it) It is mandatory to RP fear in situations/actions which you would usually refrain from doing realistically. Repercussions of your characters actions must always be considered, situations which result in death due to a lack of fear RP may result in a CK. Drawing a gun to rob someone in the middle of the street/populated area. Running off/drawing a gun while being aimed at. Lack of fear roleplay or fear for your life in general may result in a permanent character kill. Looting another character can only be done in realistic situations and time frames. Your characters life and safety must always be put before looting. Prioritizing looting over the need to escape or tend to wounds will be considered powergaming. The following are examples of powergaming while looting: Looting characters after a shootout in a public space. Looting characters before tending to injuries sustained. Returning to a scene to loot someone after fleeing. Looting bodies while Law Enforcement is present. Looting without roleplay. CCTV cameras have to be mapped in before they are considered present. Attempting to claim a camera exists when there is no item there is powergaming. OOC recordings can be used as the footage pulled from CCTV cameras, in the absence of OOC recording, players are able to challenge CCTV footage if they believe the recording party may have forgotten or falsified details. If desync is suspected, the contesting party may provide a video of their own to look for any inconsistencies or consult a staff member to decide. This may be looked over if the desync is clear within the original recording provided. Government building as well as server-owned stores (e.g gas stations, 24/7s, clothing stores) all have cameras by default, which law enforcement agencies have the capacity of acquiring. When using OOC footage, players are expected to keep in mind which direction the cameras are pointing. "Dome cameras" are best specified in /stashinfo, otherwise an admin will have to decide on their own. All state agencies and Government vehicles have dashcams. OOC recording rules apply to dashcam. Property safes are supposed to remain visible at all time, you cannot hide them behind furniture. 20) Lore and Continuity In order to create an immersive environment for players to enjoy, the admin team have defined the IC lore and continuity of the world we play in. In the same way other types of RP have their own lore, we have created our own. This rule exists to allow admins to ensure players are sticking to the lore. Players are required to follow any lore and continuity outlined. This is to make sure everyone is on the same page. Intentionally ignoring any continuity can ruin the immersion in a given RP scene. An example is someone saying their character is from Los Angeles, which is replaced by Los Santos in our lore. All information can be found here. Jester is Bjork again! 10 2 1 Link to comment
Björk Posted February 6, 2021 Share Posted February 6, 2021 6) Character Rules All players are restricted to one UCP account per player. Under no circumstances will any player receive permission to have a second account unless it's for server administration purposes (Ex: Property Master). Link to comment
Björk Posted March 5, 2021 Share Posted March 5, 2021 10) Robbing and Scamming It is only permitted to rob another player for a maximum of $5,000. It is only permitted to scam another player for a maximum of $75,000. It is not allowed to scam properties. These include and are limited to vehicles and real estate. There are no limitations on drug and weapon scams, or on loans (a namechange / CK during an active loan will lead to your money being removed and given back to the loan contract owner). This applies to both scamming a player for a drugs or weapons and for scamming a player for money off a drug or weapon scam. Before performing a business robbery (entering a nightclub to rob everyone) you must notify the administration team with a /report and wait for their acknowledgment, as we do not want these to happen on a regular basis and it must be very well roleplayed. When selling a house which is linked to a garage, you must also sell the garage to the house's buyer. Chaining robberies on your character unless perfectly roleplayed will be considered unrealistic and a poor portrayal of a character, so be careful If you choose to go that way. E.G. Going door to door to each house and/or vehicle to check if it is unlocked is considered chain robbing. Consistently robbing people in a very short period of time. Players should wait a while before attempting this again. You may use /breakin to rob any property. Usage of /rent to access the inventory is forbidden and bannable. Players may not rob or scam money from other players while in jail, Players may only rob or scam items while in the jail. All cash is roleplayed as commissary funds and not physically with the player. E.G. You rob a player and force them to pay you more money than the maximum of $5,000. You scam a player for their vehicle. 4) Deathmatching Killing another player without or with poor reason to do so. This also includes you provoking others, followed by performing aggressive actions such as shooting or killing and (or) the provoked party ending up dead. A player may only run over (ram) another player over if a character's life is at risk. This should not be done excessively E.G. Shooting at a player because he is black and your character hates people from Afro American backgrounds. Calling a player names for them to come after you so you can shoot them. 5 Link to comment
Notbond Posted April 8, 2021 Share Posted April 8, 2021 10) Robbing and Scamming It is only permitted to rob another player for a maximum of $5,000. It is only permitted to scam another player for a maximum of $75,000. It is not allowed to scam properties. These include and are limited to vehicles and real estate. There are no limitations on drug and weapon scams, or on loans (a namechange / CK during an active loan will lead to your money being removed and given back to the loan contract owner). This applies to both scamming a player for a drugs or weapons and for scamming a player for money off a drug or weapon scam. Large and sophisticated business robberies must be approved by IFM. They can be requested through the IFM requests board with the following information: - Target of the robbery. - Goal of the robbery (money, revenge, etc). - List of participants. - Plan of action (entry, getaway, etc). Smaller and "in the moment" robberies can be conducted without an approved IFM request. Admin permission and supervision is still required for these, /report to get it. Example: Robbing an open 24/7. When selling a house which is linked to a garage, you must also sell the garage to the house's buyer. Chaining robberies on your character unless adequately roleplayed will be considered unrealistic and a poor portrayal of a character, so be careful If you choose to go that way. E.G. Going door to door to each house and/or vehicle to check if it is unlocked is considered chain robbing. Consistently robbing people in a very short period of time. Players should wait a while before attempting this again. You may use /breakin to rob any property. Usage of /rent to access the inventory is forbidden and bannable. /breakin is accepted by administrators only if they have the time for it as it requires 20 minutes of active monitoring, which might be difficult to do during peak hours. If you just want to roleplay a regular property robbery without stealing real items, you may use /robprop [In development] Players may not rob or scam money from other players while in jail, Players may only rob or scam items while in the jail. All cash is roleplayed as commissary funds and not physically with the player. E.G. You rob a player and force them to pay you more money than the maximum of $5,000. You scam a player for their vehicle. Link to comment
Nervous Posted May 27, 2021 Author Share Posted May 27, 2021 19) Sexual Roleplay Rules The purpose of this rule is to restrict predatory behaviour and reduce sexualization within the community. "Player" refers to the person behind the screen. "Character" refers to the character created by the player that exists in-game. Character descriptions must describe the character's general demeanour and appearance for players involved with roleplay. Character descriptions should not intentionally sexualize the character and should be rather neutral in describing the character. For clarification, this covers the character description script that a player can set using /attributes and another player can view using /examine. Sexual roleplay is defined as any roleplay that can be considered to be sexual activity or can lead up to sexual activity. This includes sexual touching. Fade to Black is defined as choosing to skip a roleplay scene as opposed to roleplaying it out in detail. Typically, the involved parties agree on what would have happened between the involved characters and simply move on. Players who are under the age of 18 cannot participate in any form of sexual roleplay. If any characters or players under the age of 18 are involved in any form of sexual roleplay, they are required to fade to black. Characters under 16 may NOT fade to black and may NOT participate in sexual roleplay whatsoever. Characters under 18 are not allowed to be involved in any form of sexual roleplay. Rape roleplay (which includes all the sexual acts defined as rape by US or EU laws) is fully forbidden on the server. Characters/Accounts that exist only for the purposes of engaging in sexual roleplay are forbidden. Every character needs to participate in roleplay outside of sexual activity in order to not be in breach of this rule. Sexual roleplay may only happen if every player that can see the roleplay consents to it. Players who do not want to participate in sexual roleplay may freely remove themselves from the location where it is occurring. Sexual roleplay must occur in a private setting to minimize the chances of other players stumbling across the roleplay. Players may be punished if they are discovered engaging in sexual acts in public if they are unable to prove they did their best to not be discovered. In summary, the following must all apply before sexual roleplay can occur: all involved players are 18 years old or older; all involved characters are 18 years old or older; each player has agreed to participate and understands that the roleplay must immediately stop if an involved player gets uncomfortable; all involved players are responsible for making sure players that have not consented cannot stumble across the roleplay (eg. roleplaying in a locked interior); players may not encourage other players to participate in sexual roleplay using OOC means. This may also extend to trying to convince a player to engage in sexual acts of any kind when the character is clearly unwilling to participate. Players are strongly encouraged to report any sexual roleplay that involves characters or players under the age of 18. Additional Notes: Sexual roleplay in a public location can be defined as anything from engaging in sexual activity in anywhere that isn't in an interior to engaging in sexual activity in an interior that is easily accessed by several other players (such as a business or property with lots of players renting). Businesses that have sexual roleplay occurring inside (such as a sex shop or a club with exotic dancers) should be clearly advertised as such in order to warn players of that type of roleplay occurring. 13 2 11 Link to comment
Pillsbury Posted June 3, 2021 Share Posted June 3, 2021 2) Powergaming It is not allowed to perform actions which would not be possible in real life either, this is not limited to roleplay through /me. It is not allowed to force actions upon another player. You are not allowed to roleplay a non-player character. E.G. Roleplay through a /me to lift up a truck. Jumping from height and not roleplaying the consequences from your fall. Roleplay through a /me to shoot a player with the result of the player ending up dead in the process. Looting a stash without properly roleplaying its description (nor knowing about it) It is mandatory to RP fear in situations/actions which you would usually refrain from doing realistically. Repercussions of your characters actions must always be considered, situations which result in death due to a lack of fear RP may result in a CK. Drawing a gun to rob someone in the middle of the street/populated area. Running off/drawing a gun while being aimed at. Lack of fear roleplay or fear for your life in general may result in a permanent character kill. Looting another character can only be done in realistic situations and time frames. Your characters life and safety must always be put before looting. Prioritizing looting over the need to escape or tend to wounds will be considered powergaming. The following are examples of powergaming while looting: Looting characters after a shootout in a public space. Looting characters before tending to injuries sustained. Returning to a scene to loot someone after fleeing. Looting bodies while Law Enforcement is present. Looting without roleplay. CCTV cameras have to be mapped in before they are considered present. Attempting to claim a camera exists when there is no item there is powergaming. OOC recordings can be used as the footage pulled from CCTV cameras, in the absence of OOC recording, players are able to challenge CCTV footage if they believe the recording party may have forgotten or falsified details. If desync is suspected, the contesting party may provide a video of their own to look for any inconsistencies or consult a staff member to decide. This may be looked over if the desync is clear within the original recording provided. Government building as well as server-owned stores (e.g gas stations, 24/7s, clothing stores) all have cameras by default, which law enforcement agencies have the capacity of acquiring. When using OOC footage, players are expected to keep in mind which direction the cameras are pointing. "Dome cameras" are best specified in /stashinfo, otherwise an admin will have to decide on their own. All state agencies and Government vehicles have dashcams. OOC recording rules apply to dashcam. Property safes are supposed to remain visible at all time, you cannot hide them behind furniture.Victims of a robbery are expected to roleplay what their robber would find based on the descriptions of the search performed on them accordingly. Only at the end of the roleplay surrounding the robbery, once the robber is done with roleplaying taking what they can take and finished with the presented search, is when the victim must /showitems upon request of the robber. These following rules go forth for Law Enforcement as-well. Those being frisked by Law Enforcement, may only ask and present the command of /frisk after the RP is said and done. Those that are sending a location, chopping a vehicle or doing a physical action that requires a script command after, are required at all times, to roleplay first before doing the script command. Players should not for an example, send location to a friend, and then do the RP presented. Or for another example, you must show the RP first before chopping a vehicle. 15) Scrolling Weapons It is not allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay with the exception of the following weapons: Small melee weapons (Knife, Hammer, Bottle, Dagger, KnuckleDuster, SwitchBlade, Flashlight) Small handguns (Pistol, CombatPistol, Pistol50, SNSPistol, HeavyPistol, VintagePistol, Revolver, APPistol, StunGun, FlareGun, Glock, Sig Sauer & M&P 9 Pistols.) Small thrown weapons (Grenade, SmokeGrenade, BZGas, Molotov, Flare) Other small guns (MachinePistol, MiniSMG) (REMOVED - players are no longer allowed to scroll the MiniSMG, Machine Pistol, and all types of TEC-9/Scorpion variant of firearms) E.G. Player scrolls an assault rifle. Player scrolls a Tec-9 17) Advertisement Rules The advertisement system is there to assist in the creation of roleplay, and assist in the trade of assets and services. Illegal advertisements are not allowed even if the intent behind them is hidden or attempted to be hidden IC. Players are expected to use other IC methods to distribute illegal items or services. Gambling and card games may only be advertised by businesses that have the licensing to host these games. Private games may be organized using other methods. Regular advertisements (/ad) is for general advertisements that are not associated with businesses or companies. The following are considered acceptable examples of using /ad: buying and selling of properties, businesses, vehicles or items of value; advertisement of events that are not associated with a business or company; advertisement of legal services. You may NOT use /ad for the following under any circumstances; looking for work ads, which can be put on the forums; ads looking for roommates; illegal advertisements of any kind; ads selling or buying legal firearms or other legal weapons outside of a licensed business; ads regarding the selling/buying of machetes selling/buying bugs/trackers ads selling/buying extended clips ads regarding selling/buying narco checks asking for rides; making requests; asking questions. Company ads (/cad) are used by companies to advertise recruitment, events, when the companies are opening their businesses and other things associated with companies. Companies may not advertise selling/buying of the following items: extended clips, narcotic testing kits, bugs/trackers or machetes.Business ads (/bad) are a feature for donators used to place a blip on the map to mark a business that is currently open. /bad should only be used for this purpose. You must pick one type of advertisement (/ad, /cad or /bad) and stick to it. Players may not use other advertisement types to get around the scripted cooldown. Players also may not use other players to avoid cooldowns. Advertisements must not be spammed. Players are expected to be courteous when advertising. Posting several ads for the same business in a short period of time is considered a breach of this rule. When advertising, ads must only use fully in-character terms. Selling cars that are "maxed out", or using similar terms such as fully upgraded or decked out, is considered to be a breach of this rule. You should describe it in a proper IC way rather than using "maxed out" to tell other players that it cannot be upgraded any further by the script. For properties, default interiors and fully mapped interiors should not be advertised differently. A singleplayer or GTA Online interior that is furnished is still considered furnished. Adding additional objects to one of those interiors or making an interior from scratch should not be the factor to determine if something is furnished or not when advertising. Examples of breaking the rule: making an advertisement to purchase firearms; advertising the sale of knives or lock picks when the person selling does not have a licensed business to do so; advertising the selling of marijuana; making an advertisement looking for a date or along the lines of "a fun time"; making an ad about looking for an eagle from the desert, implying you're looking for a Desert Eagle; advertising the search of a hitman to take someone out. Green = Added Red = Removed 4 1 1 Link to comment
Shanks Posted July 17, 2021 Share Posted July 17, 2021 15) Scrolling Weapons It is not allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay with the exception of the following weapons:It is allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay for the following weapons: Small melee weapons. (Knife, Hammer, Bottle, Dagger, KnuckleDuster, SwitchBlade, Flashlight) Small handguns. (Pistol, CombatPistol, Pistol50, SNSPistol, HeavyPistol, VintagePistol, Revolver, APPistol, StunGun, FlareGun, Glock, Sig Sauer, M&P 9 Pistols.) Small thrown weapons. (Grenade, SmokeGrenade, BZGas, Molotov, Flare) Other small guns that can be concealed easier on your body. (MachinePistol, MiniSMG, MicroSMG) E.G. Player scrolls an assault rifle. Player scrolls a Tec-9 It is not allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay for the following weapons and situations: Larger melee weapons that would be harder to conceal on your body. (Machete, Fire Axe, Crowbar, Battle Axe, Hatchet, Golf Club) Scrolling a gun in a vehicle will require roleplay regardless of the weapon, this due to the lack of animations in these situations. Larger caliber and sized weapons such as rifles and shotguns will require roleplay before being scrolled. (PumpShotgun, SawnOffShotgun, DoubleBarrelShotgun, Musket/HuntingRifle, CompactRifle, Assault-/CarbineRifle, SMG, SMGMk2, CarbineRifleMk2 etc.) E.G. Player scrolls a Compact Rifle without roleplay. Player scrolls a Pistol50 while in a vehicle as either the driver or passenger. Quote As a small note on this rule update, this is done to reflect the updated animations and roleplay lines that have been since added in our updated when it comes to scrolling weapons. It was mentioned in a script update but the rules were never touched, it has now officially been put in. 1 Link to comment
Shanks Posted July 17, 2021 Share Posted July 17, 2021 15) Scrolling Weapons It is allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay for the following weapons & situations: Small melee weapons. (Knife, Hammer, Bottle, Dagger, KnuckleDuster, SwitchBlade, Flashlight) Small handguns. (Pistol, CombatPistol, Pistol50, SNSPistol, HeavyPistol, VintagePistol, Revolver, APPistol, StunGun, FlareGun, Glock, Sig Sauer, M&P 9 Pistols.) Small thrown weapons. (Grenade, SmokeGrenade, BZGas, Molotov, Flare) Other small guns that can be concealed easier on your body. (MachinePistol, MiniSMG, MicroSMG) If you're actively being the target of shots in a firefight, pursuit, driveby, or the like, you may directly scroll your weapon without writing out the required /me roleplay line. It is not allowed to scroll weapons without roleplay for the following weapons and situations: Larger melee weapons that would be harder to conceal on your body. (Machete, Fire Axe, Crowbar, Battle Axe, Hatchet, Golf Club) Scrolling a gun in a vehicle will require roleplay regardless of the weapon, this due to the lack of animations in these situations. Larger caliber and sized weapons such as rifles and shotguns will require roleplay before being scrolled. (PumpShotgun, SawnOffShotgun, DoubleBarrelShotgun, Musket/HuntingRifle, CompactRifle, Assault-/CarbineRifle, SMG, SMGMk2, CarbineRifleMk2 etc.) E.G. Player scrolls a Compact Rifle without roleplay in any situation. Player scrolls a Pistol50 while in a vehicle as either the driver or passenger. Link to comment
Nervous Posted August 23, 2021 Author Share Posted August 23, 2021 (edited) 10) Scamming & robbery Poor robbery roleplay is bannable, for example : - Driving up to Paleto bay just to target PF holders to steal their guns - Driving on a dirt bike with masks and no roleplay at all but using your gun to aim at random civilians and ask for their money - Chaining robberies on your character to acquire IC assets instead of creating well developped IC scenes It is forbidden to rob anyone when : - You're using a motorcycle / quad / ATV, these vehicles are fully forbidden for such roleplay unless previously approved by an administrator using /report - You've baited the victim using an advertisement or the taxi script - You're not using /rob to force the other party to show their items Edited August 23, 2021 by Nervous 6 3 Link to comment
Nervous Posted August 24, 2021 Author Share Posted August 24, 2021 Unrealistic portrayal of robberies and characters which exist only to conduct robberies is bannable, for example: - Driving into the county as a gang member in South Central to conduct a robbery in Paleto Bay for no sensible IC reason (e.g. your path has not realistically led you to Paleto Bay for any discernable reason, this would be a significant drive on an IC basis) - Driving on a dirt bike with masks, not communicating, but pulling up to any pedestrian to conduct a gun-point robbery at drive-by - Chaining roberies unrealistically, or unrealistic portrayal of a crime spree - Moving from robbery to robbery and demanding victims move as quickly as possible, or clearly conducting robberies simply to gain OOC assets rather than for roleplay - Conducting robberies with overuse of force (such as 4 assault rifles) or for the purpose of provoking conflict (seeking to rob people in a gang neighborhood for an excuse to shoot them) 1 1 3 Link to comment
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