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Los Santos Fire Department

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The faction is accepting those with experience outside of the GTA World community when it comes to Fire Department / Medical roleplay and/or experience. Those that do apply for a transfer and are coming over with experience will have to provide proof of their experience and who they are in order to have their application considered. The final decision will be up to the Command and High Command team of the faction. We will only accept those who are familiar with the Command/High Command team of the faction, we do not guarantee that you will be able to obtain a position in the faction through this type of transfer if you manage to be denied you are still welcomed to join through recruitment. It is also a possibility that an offer will be made that is not close to your previous positions within the department you have been a part of.

Transfer and Reinstatement Policies are located here


Note: Transfer and Reinstatements are not open yet but will be soon.

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