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[TUTORIAL] Swap vehicle sounds

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- Please note that this is not server sided! Only client sided.


Have you ever felt like the sound of your car just didn't fit, but you drive a different car and and it feels like it'd be perfect for your car?


Well that's basically what I did, I spent some time figuring out how to convert car sounds and I did just that.




How to convert vehicle sounds:




Text Installation: 

First, you must need:

Open IV: http://openiv.com/


Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ (this is to make things easier, it's optional.)



Launch Open IV then browse through:


Update >> update.rpf >> Common >> data >> levels >> gta5 >> vehicles.meta

(Before editing make sure to always have a backup file!)


Drag and drop "vehicles.meta" Wherever you like, but please make sure to have a vanilla copy.

From then, you open the file with notepad ++ and press CTRL + F and search for "VehicleNameHere" (Without the quotes) that you want to replace the sounds with.

(Before pressing CTRL + F I suggest you to scroll to the top because notepad ++ Only searches for keywords at its current location and below)


After you find the vehicle you want to modify, you then want to scroll down until you see

"<audioNameHash />"


Replace that line of code with: "<audioNameHash>VehicleNameHere</audioNameHash>"


From then you go to here to find true Vehicle Model Names and you can start looking for the vehicle sound that you want to replace it with:



For better search, you can look up things like "Gta 5 (VehichleNameHere) car sound" and figure out which one fits you.


Here is a playlist of some car sounds:


You then copy the Name of the vehicle that you want to convert sounds with and replace the "VehicleNameHere" within the audioNameHash code line.



Save the file, replace it in the Open IV Editor, then open your folder where ArchiveFix is located.


And Open your GTA V Directory and go to here:

\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\update


Drag and drop the update.rpf located inside ontop of the ArchiveFix.exe to encrypt it (this make sure your GTA doesn't force close and say it's corrupted)

Do not move the update.rpf to the ArchiveFix Folder! If done right, it should still be in the update folder in your GTA V Directory.

 and you should be good to go!


Any complications, feel free to DM me.

Edited by hrxr
Updated circa 2021.
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