Wuhtah Posted January 25 Share Posted January 25 (edited) Link community update to check it out for those who didn’t see it Development work wise New UCP features Requesting a lost property back via UCP, so it doesn't get lost in forum DMs, discord DMs, etc. Should be a short, quick and easy process Cooldown on appeals server wide - this is already implemented for PM, but now it's gonna be everywhere. CD will be between 12 and 48 hours. Formatting for budgets/item schemes, right now it's free reign/canvas. It doesn't make it easy for PM and players, so we're going to make it more guided/tidier. Leased properties are going to be in alphabetical order now You will be able to request a lobby to be mapped by the mapping team Being able to clear the business bank via UCP - moreso internal use Business transfers via UCP instead of forum PMs - UCP part is done, in game part needs to be done Concept changes are being moved hopefully soon to the UCP from forums House applications - changes for this Similar layout to leases Currently, you just see a list of houses. Soon, it'll have the pricing on each and what each house looks like on the inside -- if it's mapped or not -- this will help if you're unable to get into the game or the /report is taking too long Lease to buy fixes New bmanager will be integrated as well on the UCP If you have any UCP suggestions for players that would be beneficial and PERTAINS TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - please hit up Selena! What the PM team is working on moving forward in 2025: Consistency Rule re-work - lots of "dated" items in there Selling of houses/properties - lots of questions of how much you can sell the properties for Selena/Lomadias tweaking this rule Working on a master FAQ - been in the works for 8 months now. Will cover a majority of questions you guys have within tickets/personal DMs. Continuing on streamlining processes to make it easier on players Houses fucking suck - but you guys want them for your shenanigans! We are slowly running out of houses to give out SUGGESTION WE ARE PITCHING TO YOU: Every two months - house requests are opened. Currently it's open every month This will help allow more time for return of houses from players due to inactivity/not wanting them anymore - more options for the new requestors! Only other solution is to mod shit in - last resort as it takes awhile / could create a laggy area. Questions/Answers When cars? We just introduced the DLC cars, everytime we ask for a list we get blanked. Where is Deeman when you need him? We have the phase 2 discussion going on with a forum thread - we have a ton of comments of what vehicles to add, what not to add, prices, etc. We can’t share the list at the moment. After discussion with the PM team - we shove them in the other subteam’s faces to get their opinions (probably the leads of those subteams) Cyclone, vacca, infernus, temPASTA, some helicopters, hustler, nightshade, hotknife, strider, etc are some of the vehicles that have been brought up Looking to roll out MID FEBRUARY No promises on the vacca, but Selena will look into it Gold donators poster perms when We can pitch to Nervous in a bit are there plans for the YouTool that got mapped recently soon? 😄 Yes once we get them mapped - they will be requestable via UCP if PM locks down a property from mapping, we cant put up posters either inside or outside. can this be fixed? This has already been fixed! Thanks nick! i find it hard to find the lease ID for properties /myleases! will there ever be a change to the bar script code to allow for govt paychecks? Being discussed internally! What happened to wheelchairs and can they ever be fixed somehow to work again? They go SUPER FAST and cannot be synced up currently do your leases for cars get removed when u get banned? Not if you pay them ahead of time why are chop shops only given to official factions? prices of lockpicks, switchblades, dusters have skyrocketed? Because they are IFM territory Any more discussion or testing in regard to 18 wheelers and trucking? The tiniest touch against them made them explode currently For leases is there a possibility if there is a concept that is not widely done / theres no concepts for this in the map that you could add a sort of 'custom request' for a lease ( just as some characters maybe wouldnt make sense for a straight up buy property) and then if theres any spare businesses left or any empty/inactive properties on pms list anywhere they could propose some kinda business idea switch with it still being a lease? This would fall under property requests and asking for it to be turned into a lease! Do you start reviewing leasing requests as they arrive, or only after the request period has closed? As they come in, we only accept/deny when they close. Would the new vehicles ever be able to be /vdupped for your partner? No, this was the trade-off Suggestions a command to check how many people entered your business once you do /openbusiness to check if you hit the maximum 40K stimulus or not ever thought of having certain houses in south-central/rancho to be leases? (lost upon namechanges/CKs) considering that there's close to 10 factions there and there's a single place where people can live which is jamestown that serves as the hood of a faction they aren't exactly houses that are bought in the same way as hills/mirror park houses and its a bit weird to say that you live in rancho and you're a local when you can't live anywhere aside from the projects that currently belong to south los 13 Could we get updated RV interior for all the RV's? Please add some medium-low budget cars!!! If you re running out of housing could maybe try some high end apartments that are basically like houses with 2 or 3 floors? Maybe some apartment complexes that are as luxurious as houses, and can be used with requests? I think some new airplaines would be nice. Maybe some of the new ones if they are suitable to mod the guns away? Heavy cargogob, normal cargogob or some cargo planes. available houses could use a map like available apartments have more guides regarding what would be recognized as correct when it comes to money in leases and ownership, script cash isn’t recognised, give us a formula based on multiple realistic assets to quantify our options prior to request. it would be great to have a search bar in the UCP requests yes Especially for houses since it's gonna be a massive list give us the ability to use the taxi script on personal vehicles (preferably regular sedans) some shit like uber, wheere you don't have to buy a taxi I find the basement request process confusing, as it currently requires going through a property or smart TP request. It would be nice to have the option to request a basement independently, without needing to create a property or add a smart TP, just purely a request to map one. For the bar staff script thing with the new rank system it would be good to avoid abuse if you gave it just to certain ranks that can't have access to the business bank maybe if that is the worry on it can motels also be turned into buyable properties? With the new landlord script maybe if there is a possibility to implement a motel/hotel runner, have rooms individually scripted to have a timer go down (something like /givekey xamount of days x amout of hours) to promote something like the lodge in the county Edited January 25 by Wuhtah 7 Link to comment
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