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Feature Showcase: Posters

We're implementing a new system allowing players to create posters which render images in 3D space. This will allow the implementation of anything from ad-boards and logo posters to the emplacement of art in your properties.

The feature will be available starting 09/01/2025.

I. Usage

To place a new panel, all you have to do is use /drawposter with the URL of the image you want drawn, select the top left and bottom right positions in your property, and then finalize the poster by using /finishdrawing.

If at any point you make a mistake or want to cancel, you can use /canceldrawing.


The images can be changed by using /editposter, or you can remove a poster entirely by using /removeposter.


For example, if I want to create a poster with the RageMP logo, I can utilize the command like so:



II. Restrictions

You can only place posters within properties that you own or are leasing.

For the time being, the amount of posters that you are able to place varies depending on your current premium level:

  • Partners can place up to 10 posters across all properties they own.
  • Platinum Donators can place up to 5 posters across all properties they own.
  • Gold Donators and regular members are not able to place any posters at this time.



III. Future plans

In the future, we intend to expand upon the usage of posters to allow for example, placing them in dimension 0 for billboards, logos for your businesses and more.



IV. Screenshots




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