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The Byrne Group

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The Byrne Group hopes to represent a low-level Irish-American organised crime group. Originally serving as an expansion of the Tulsa City based Irish Mob Gang, which was rendered essentially defunct by a large scale policing action conducted by the joint forces of the IRS, local P.D. and FBI. The Byrne groupe is primarily focussed on drug and sex-trafficking in the Morningwood area. And will contain both elements of Organised Crime and street-level gang activities.


Most members of this organisation will join as working-class, white Americans, down on their luck folks with few prospects outside of criminality. Very few of the newly-inducted will be experienced criminals, as we hope to provide an avenue for people to develop their characters from the ground up.


It is worth noting, that despite the organisation not being explicitly racist - there’s very likely to be racially-charged themes throughout, given how groups are divided within the L.S. correctional facility, and the way in which cliques typically form on the streets. With this said, however - there will be a zero-tolerance policy towards any OOC racist behaviour, and faction leadership reserves the right to remove any and all players who express such views on its platform (Discord/Faction Chat/OOC Chat).


All recruitment is handled IC’ly. By joining the Byrne Group’s script, you’re handing over all character-kill permissions to the faction leadership.


For any further inquiries or questions, feel free to PM:

@FatherHay or @yoyoxo

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