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Working on the roster process right now. Roughly I have to make 120 characters for a completely generic roster. No way will I have 120 PCs for this, but still I have like 117 hypothetical slots left -- if you want to have your character on one of the random teams. Otherwise I'll continue to slowly fill teams in with NPCs. 

Examples of some of the player characters I've made so far:

Ignore the Cavs logos, I have to assign everyone to an actual NBA team before I can update the actual team to have the highschool logos. Everyone's ages are set to 19, because that's just the youngest that the game will let me. If this interests you, just toss me your character details and school information using my format found in the OP. 

Edited by CowboyYoda22
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Character Name: Armel Greene
School Enrolled: Davis High
Age (between 14-19 years of age only): 15
Photo Reference or Character Description: Standing at 5'10. Armel is just about the average weight of a kid his age. He has the average wingspan for someone his height.
Skill Level (will determine the overall level of your stats in the simulation):  Athletic. Despite his young age, Armel is a very talented young man. He's been working on his game for years now, and has all the time in space to develop into superstar material.

Edited by debla az zanm
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