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[SOLD]: Canis Mesa


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Hello everybody. Today I am selling my off road jeep Canis Mesa.

Not too much used, well maintained and taken good care of. This jeep is one of the best on market for off road tours. 

Car has full upgrades, security, GPS, a lot of custom mods that have been added, literally everything you can ask from a car to have it has.


  • Maintained 
  • Registered
  • Maximum performance
  • Security package
  • GPS
  • Full custom mod pack


Starting bid: 100,000$

Buyout: 140,000$

Minimum bid raise: 2,500$

Looking to sell it for almost anything above the starting bid. 








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We're going to be placing starting bid of $100,000 on this!


Our offer remains for as long as we have room for the vehicle.


God bless and good luck!


                     - Kylie & Shelby Mitchell,

                                     Skyline Auto Center,

                                                    Rockford Hills, Los Santos.


Edited by SKYLINE
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Raising our bid to $110,000.


                     - Kylie & Shelby Mitchell,

                                     Skyline Auto Center,

                                                    Rockford Hills, Los Santos.



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1 hour ago, SKYLINE said:


Raising our bid to $110,000.


                     - Kylie & Shelby Mitchell,

                                     Skyline Auto Center,

                                                    Rockford Hills, Los Santos.




Will be sold to you tonight if none overbids you.  Thank you!

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