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Here at the W/S 83 Gangster Crips, we hold ourselves along with the faction to a high standard. This doesn't make us elitist whatsoever. We merely aim for quality over quantity in all aspects. We do not tolerate rule breakers in any fashion. We have a three-strike system in place that allows our members the opportunity to redeem themselves because accidents do happen, we're only human. This is no excuse though, we expect our members to stay in their lane without disturbing anyone else. Upon joining we expect you to want to develop your character to their fullest extent. I believe some people in the community have a hard time differentiating themselves from their character. In this faction you will learn how to separate out of character feelings from your in character feelings. This is mandatory. Just because you have an issue with someone from an out of character standpoint doesn't mean you target them in character. That's a big no. Development is key, if you need any assistance with developing your character don't hesitate to message any of the leadership. Not every character is a full-fledged demon with nineteen confirmed kills for the hood. Robotic gang members will not be acceptable at all. Just be yourself in character and make role play as it goes. The faction is currently OPEN: Private message @firearmsnfelons or @ZAY223 if you would like to roleplay with us.

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