Nervous Posted August 21 Share Posted August 21 Feature Showcase: Airsoft V2 In order to expand and revitalize the activities offered to everyone, we have decided today to rework one of the most entertaining systems that can exist on the server, to make it more attractive and fun for players, and more interesting for business owners. So, airsoft is getting a makeover. The old, aging system has been completely revamped to make way for a brand-new concept, allowing for a more dynamic and diverse gaming experience for each player, through a comprehensive script that will continue to evolve in the future. The system is complete, of course, but rest assured, there's nothing difficult about it! I. Prerequisites The system is changing for both players and business owners. From now on, Airsoft becomes a business in its own right, rather than a special type of property. Therefore, it enjoys the benefits of a traditional business. All employees with at least "Seller" permissions can start a game, as long as they are in the business. However, only employees with "Manager" permissions can manage and create configurations. It is only possible to run one game at a time per property/business. II. Game configs Business managers can now manage configurations. This is the major innovation of this system, around which everything revolves, allowing each owner to set their own game rules. These configurations are saved options that allow the definition of many parameters. Each Airsoft business can have up to six saved configurations simultaneously. All of them can be managed with a single command: /airsoftmanager. This command opens a fully dynamic and user-friendly interface. The Manager is structured as follows: The left side lists all existing configurations for the business. Clicking on a configuration will load it onto the screen. The "New" button allows you to create a new configuration. The central part of the interface allows you to set all the rules and options for your configuration. The owner can define: Game mode: Currently, there are three modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag. Configuration name. Price per game, to be paid when the player joins the game. Endgame condition: A points-based end will allow the game to be won by the team that reaches the set point threshold. Automatic respawn option, which respawns players at their base when they die and use the /standup command. Public access restriction: If "Invitation only" is checked, a player can only join if invited by employees. Player HP count (capped at 150 maximum). Point target (visible only if "Endgame by points" is checked). Points per kill. Points per captured objective (visible only if Capture the Flag mode is selected). Game duration, in minutes. Note: Even if "Endgame by points" is checked, the game is always time-limited. Thus, if no team reaches the point limit before the time runs out, the game will still end. In addition to all these options, the manager can also define which weapons will be allowed in the game! This allows for varied experiences. Of course, the manager can choose to allow only one weapon. To do this, they have access to the full list of server weapons within the manager: For a weapon to be accessible during the game, you just need to tick it. Once everything is ready, you can save your configuration! III. Spawn points As indicated in the Manager UI, the game creator must complete their configuration by placing the various spawn points. This step is essential so that the game knows where to spawn the players of each team. To do this, simply use the command /setairsoftspawn [config] [team] at the desired location. It's that simple. (The "config" parameter is the name of your configuration.) The same applies for setting the initial flag position in Capture the Flag mode. In that case, the command is /setairsoftflag [config]. IV. How to play? Start a game Before playing, the owner needs to open the lobby. To do this, they must be in their business and use the command /startairsoft [config], where "config" is the name of an existing configuration. This configuration will load all the rules and settings for the game, and from there, the fun begins! Note: An owner can also end the game early with the command /endairsoft. Joining a game To play, it's very simple: The player must be in the business and use the command /rejoindreairsoft [team]. They must choose a team, either 1 or 2. If the game mode is a classic Deathmatch, the team choice doesn't matter much. Once that's done, there are two scenarios: If the game is invitation-only: The player cannot join directly. After using the command /rejoindreairsoft, the employees are notified of the player's intent to join the game. It's up to them to use /ajouterjoueur [team] [target] to add the player to the game. If the game is public: The player is directly invited to join. The player finally joins the game, paying any entry fees if applicable. Once they’ve joined, the player is assigned: A weapon A user interface displaying their score (and the scores of both teams if it’s a team-based game mode) An initial spawn point A nametag color based on the team What are the rules in the game? Everything depends on the configuration, as explained above. However, there are a few small nuances worth mentioning here: The player can change weapons at any time while at their base by using the command /changeweapon. This will open a menu listing the different models allowed by the configuration. In team-based games: Killing three allies will result in your immediate removal from the game. For Capture the Flag: If you capture the flag, everyone is alerted, your nametag turns green, and the flag object is attached to your character. For Capture the Flag: If you die while carrying the flag, it will drop to the ground at the location where you died. Leaving the property will automatically remove you from the game. An employee can also manually expel you from the game. Example of a player with the flag V. Commands Manager: /airsoftmanager: Allows you to manage Airsoft configurations, including creating, editing, and deleting them. /setairsoftspawn [config] [team]: Allows you to set the initial spawn point for a team. /setairsoftflag [config]: Allows you to set the initial flag spawn point for Capture the Flag mode. Employee: /startairsoft [config]: Starts a game using the specified configuration name. /addplayer [team] [target]: Adds a player to the Airsoft game and assigns them to a designated team. The team is not relevant if the game mode is Deathmatch. /endairsoft: Ends the Airsoft game prematurely. /kickairsoftjoueur [target]: Kicks a player from the lobby. Players: /joinairsoft: Allows you to join the ongoing Airsoft game inside. /leaveairsoft: Allows you to leave the Airsoft game. /changeweapon: Allows you to change your Airsoft weapon. Usable only at the base. /getup: Allows you to get up if you have been killed in Airsoft. F10 key: Toggles the player interface on and off. VI. Video 21 2 Link to comment
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