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Adding Rule #22 for Racism

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8 minutes ago, Jorgensen said:

You gotta realise most people on GTAW don’t live in LA. If we were 1:1’ing LA we wouldnt have half a dozen neo-nazi/skinhead factions.


IC racism is an IC issue.


From the Deathmatching rules:




None of these are particularly an OOC issue and could be argued to keep all this IC. So should we get rid of these examples or get rid of deathmatching altogether? Keep it IC. Let's break it down with your logic.


1) Shooting at a player because he is black? IC racism. IC issue.

2) Calling a player names to bate them into coming after you? IC baiting/anger issues. IC issue.

3) Shooting at someone because they snitched to the cops on you? Snitches get stitches. IC issue.

4) Shooting at a cop over a traffic stop because of any reason? Happens every day. IC issue.

5) Shooting at a player during a fist fight to win? Happens every day. IC issue.


See the pattern? Same thing with Rule 19 and prohibited roleplay. We could argue to keep all that IC and just report if something makes you feel uncomfortable, yet there's entire rules around it. There's a point where it boils over into where it's no longer just an IC issue, where it requires something more. The threads keep getting made because obviously it bothers people, same way the sexual RP bothered people enough to warrant creating rules around it. This is one of those times.

Edited by LatencyLord
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-1. Let's be real my g... This server won't ever reach LA 1:1, considering the large population of Europeans, and other different nationalities that have presence on these servers and prolong in the Illegal faction community. IC Racism isn't something that can be changed sensibly, it's broad to just say "You cannot be racist for no reason" / "You do not always need to be racist". As someone who's roleplayed in both fields, just ignore it... You don't need to take someone's typed words that seriously. Last time I remember, this was a roleplay server, not a DarkRP server... Real spill.

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8 minutes ago, tony genovese said:

So your argument is that its not 1:1 so they can be racist. Why stop with racism? Why not allow people roleplaying Americans to say mate IC because half of the server's populations is from England. Why not add a King and a Royal Family? Oh it unrealistic but racism is just IC so even if its unrealistic its IC and should remain that way, makes sense....



7 minutes ago, LatencyLord said:


From the Deathmatching rules:




None of these are particularly an OOC issue and could be argued to keep all this IC. So should we get rid of these examples or get rid of deathmatching altogether? Keep it IC. Let's break it down with your logic.


1) Shooting at a player because he is black? IC racism. IC issue.

2) Calling a player names to bate them into coming after you? IC baiting/anger issues. IC issue.

3) Shooting at someone because they snitched to the cops on you? Snitches get stitches. IC issue.

4) Shooting at a cop over a traffic stop because of any reason? Happens every day. IC issue.

5) Shooting at a player during a fist fight to win? Happens every day. IC issue.


See the pattern? Same thing with Rule 19 and prohibited roleplay. We could argue to keep all that IC and just report if something makes you feel uncomfortable, yet there's entire rules around it. There's a point where it boils over into where it's no longer just an IC issue, where it requires something more. The threads keep getting made because obviously it bothers people, same way the sexual RP bothered people enough to warrant creating rules around it. This is one of those times.


By this logic then, lets ban Neo-Nazi/Skinhead rp, lets also ban homophobia/transphobia/every other phobia cause it doesn’t happen in LA. Progressive city after all. 

People have to just stop using the server as a thing of using their characters to cover for the fact they can’t be racist etc irl. There should be rules regarding THAT and the useage of such slurs on OOC mediums such as the forum.

Edited by Jorgensen
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13 minutes ago, Jorgensen said:

By this logic then, lets ban Neo-Nazi/Skinhead rp, lets also ban homophobia/transphobia/every other phobia cause it doesn’t happen in LA. Progressive city after all. 

People have to just stop using the server as a thing of using their characters to cover for the fact they can’t be racist etc irl. There should be rules regarding THAT and the useage of such slurs on OOC mediums such as the forum.


That's not my logic at all and you're twisting my words. I'm saying it needs to be moderated, not banned, through rules. Sexual RP is still allowed to some extent in-game, it's not banned. Most RP is moderated and not banned, except for prohibited types of RP. It shouldn't be a free-for-all, especially when used to such an excessive degree in-game, which is borderline unrealistic. Being that openly racist in LA could get you in trouble, yet here its just accepted as normal. It's weird. Also, homophobia and transphobia absolutely happens in LA, but its ridiculed to a much higher degree than it is in our fictional server, so I'm not sure what point you were trying to make there. Also, let's not pretend that there are WAY too many Nazi/Skinhead factions, so again another need for moderation without outright banning anything.

Edited by LatencyLord
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What is strange is people casually dropping the n-word with a hard r and then act pikachu face surprised when normal people react to it. I don't even mean with violence, I mean with the ick and contempt that should be expected from the vast majority of normal people in a city like Los Santos. Even OOC surprise. Like, my character is NORMAL, your character is the one being a weird racist freak in public.

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1 hour ago, tony genovese said:

R19 isn't an IC issue 

Over usage of the robbery system isn't an IC issue

The abuse/overuse of anything isn't an IC issue.

This isn't an IC issue, we've already explained how this isn't something that's done in LA, the state we mimic, so how can random racist be IC? It's literally unrealistic. 


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There have been several comments on this thread that are severely unproductive to the conversation at hand. If you cannot be respectful towards one another, do not reply. I understand that there are passionate people from both sides, but calling people weirdos, etc. is not acceptable and will not be tolerated going forward.

Please remain on topic, and discuss appropriately.

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8 minutes ago, mj2002 said:

I'm against adding more rules but whoever keeps saying to keep it IC must have said the same thing about r19? Do people have principles or are we just doing whatever?

Keeping R19 things IC disgusts me, I get people’s concerns regarding racism etc. But, is a rule really gonna help in this scenario where we have people who don’t really know LA because they’ve never been there/won’t do the research? I think people who clearly use their character as an outlet to be racist cause being behind a computer is safer than being racist out in public is worse than people who use it constructively in roleplay that it makes sense to be such as the illegal scene.

You can’t say racism doesn’t happen somewhere irl. Because chances are it still does happen, we just never hear of it, example someone posted an LA County article.


Punish those who troll and use racism in every sentence of their rp where it doesn’t make sense or self insert like how I mentioned above, not those who roleplay it properly (e.g. concepts like neo-nazis etc) as well as those who clearly use it OOC on the forums etc.

Edited by Jorgensen
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