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Newbie Here - How Do I Choose the Right GPU for GTA V?

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my current specs:


Core i5 10400F /16GB DDR4 / Corsair 650W

Budget: Around $300-$400

I’m looking for smooth performance in GTA V and hoping to be ready for GTA 6 when it drops. Any recommendations?

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Well, for a smooth experience within GTA V, and considering that you already have a fairly good processor, I'd suggest a GeForce RTX 2060. Most listings have 6gb Vram, which I think is a great option, only costing around $310 or so, around your budget generally. As well, GTA 6 surprisingly doesn't have very high spec requirements, so this would hold up in that area as well. 

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CPU is whats going to be the most important. But for GPU I recommend either the 4060 if you want to stay on the lower end of your budget. On the higher end of your budget the 4060ti or AMD RX 7700 XT. I think the best card out of all the ones I listed is the 7700 XT. I wouldn't go older than the 3000 series. I have a 1080ti, its a good card but starting to show its age on AAA games. Also wouldn't go below 6gb of VRAM like others suggested. 


Edited by Power
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Thanks everyone, multiple options in my budget. So 6GB of GPU ram would be enough?

Additionally, there are many branded gpus, which one are good, asus, msi or anyother?

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On 7/13/2024 at 5:13 AM, Power said:

On the higher end of your budget the 4060ti or AMD RX 7700 XT. I think the best card out of all the ones I listed is the 7700 XT.


@Jenson, go for a 6900 xt boss. Easily beats the 7700 xt & the 4060 ti. It gets you the most out of your budget imho.


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I am currently running a i7-10700K with a 2060 Super, which runs the game smoothly alone with the CPU being "beefy" enough for it.

You really do have a good enough CPU and RAM. I'd go with a not-so-big GPU which can save you some bucks, such as a.... 2060 Super or possibly a 3060, considering your PSU. Or as stated above, you got great GPU's there from AMD that really does it's trick for the money.


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