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Removal of assets used in rulebreaks.

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I mean, it would actually work, but it's too late, the server standards are a bit too low now, and a lot of the problem players will be screaming and shaking about how this is the worst idea ever and how (legit, I've been told this before) punishments shouldn't work and bans shouldn't be done because people will just ban evade.


It's not a bad idea though. People don't worry about breaking rules because it's ten rulebreaks before they're in ajail AFKing down the timer.


...but targeting assets? That's tangible loss. It would make people think twice about breaking rules.

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Some people here don't get the fact that even good RPers can get caught into something an wind up punished, despite having a good attitude. No need to have your stuff removed over an ajail. Punishments are good as they are rn; a stained record keeps the player away from any staff positions/other privileges for a while, which is fair, but no way this should extend to hard-worked assets. 

Edited by Horas
felt like I had to be detailed
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2 hours ago, D-9 said:



2 hours ago, marbella mondays said:


It's written a bit chaotically but the premise behind it is sound.

Basically if you engage in blatant rulebreaking (things like Deathmatching, Vehicle Deathmatching, non-rp driving to escape law enforcement) that then gets punished by an admin, you should, in addition to the OOC punishment, lose the assets/items used in said rule breaking.

We're not talking about losing $200,000 car for not roleplaying a crash properly, but there are instances of people deliberately breaking OOC rules during altercations with Law Enforcement to sit out a 30-60minute ajail but keep expensive firearms/avoid their vehicle getting towed. This should not be happening.

I would extend that suggestion to all outstanding IC charges that should get immediately applied once the player get ajailed in a situation that prevents his arrest. 

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24 minutes ago, Gapis said:


It's written a bit chaotically but the premise behind it is sound.

Basically if you engage in blatant rulebreaking (things like Deathmatching, Vehicle Deathmatching, non-rp driving to escape law enforcement) that then gets punished by an admin, you should, in addition to the OOC punishment, lose the assets/items used in said rule breaking.

We're not talking about losing $200,000 car for not roleplaying a crash properly, but there are instances of people deliberately breaking OOC rules during altercations with Law Enforcement to sit out a 30-60minute ajail but keep expensive firearms/avoid their vehicle getting towed. This should not be happening.

I would extend that suggestion to all outstanding IC charges that should get immediately applied once the player get ajailed in a situation that prevents his arrest. 

The what and que is a way of saying  FUCK NO if that wasn't already clear

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i genuinely dont know why or how people can look at this and not think its a good idea.

ajails mean nothing. bans mean nothing. the punishments handed out are laughable sometimes for the rules broken. this is a good idea, honestly.


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i don't agree with every other kind of rulebreak removing assets but i agree with non-rp drivig removing vehicles (after a couple of warns maybe)

people just don't care, they drive like it's gta online, its becoming annoying, they ram into u and just dip cuz u dont see their tags

this shit aint NFS: World 


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