Price Posted November 27, 2023 Share Posted November 27, 2023 Feature Showcase: CCTV INFORMATION The CCTV script answers the question of who would be in view or who wouldn't be in view of 'IC' cameras, the CCTV system will be replacing any interior IC cameras to ensure fairness. CCTVs have blindspots and capture video only from different angles. There's 360 cameras that can be manned by the player that can move around while there are also CCTV cameras that are static. CCTVs will be slowly rolled out in 24/7 and comes with a cloud subscription, you'll be able to place them inside their properties, every player will have the ability to place down 2 CCTV while the system is being fully tested, as we want to see the technical storage impact these will have. Cameras will also require subscription (in-game money) that needs to be paid every 30 days, this can be renewed by the player 7 days before expiry. Since the limitation is technical, we've granted donators more CCTVs access for their interiors until the system is finished to be tested, so for a few months maximum. Gold: 3 CCTV Platinum: 4 CCTV Partner: 6 CCTV CCTVs are only placed in the exterior via admins on government properties or properties in which it'd make sense to have a CCTV camera on. Until all exterior cameras are placed and the system is fully deployed, there is no change for exterior CCTV ruling, you can continue roleplaying your existing cameras. Only interior cameras are now requiring a real CCTV from the script. The CCTV will also be running offline when nobody's watching and saving everything that happens in it's view. COMMANDS /cctv to access the CCTV UI. /givecctvaccess to grant access to a CCTV. /removecctvaccess to remove access from your CCTV. /paycctvsubscription to pay the subscription for your camera by ID. for access to the CCTV web interface. You can also press X in your property or business to manage the CCTV, and access the web interface through the CCTV UI. SCREENSHOTS 71 8 Link to comment
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