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Why (or should) can the death penalty be handed to a character that PLAYER-KILLED Officers?


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12 minutes ago, Snoof said:

Still an incomplete picture because I don't know what they knew coming in, but based off this it looks like they ran into a funnel where they couldn't actually see what they were running into and got massacred before they had a chance to fully assess the situation. I don't think running into a project firing squad is something they should've seen coming if they were going in blind. I wouldn't have.

When they go through academy, logically and realistically speaking, aren't they taught about not going in gang infested areas blindly when ((at least)) visibly outnumbered and wait for backup? I find it funny cause in this situation, four officers decided to charge after a suspect only to get gunned down mercilessly, without even requesting backup ((let's not forget the /panic 1 second after being shot in the head and forced into 2nd death state)), but for a lot of traffic stops in which someone doesn't wield at a intersection, there's at least two to three code two cars behind them.

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Just now, Snoof said:

Yep. If you wanna make the argument that people should be CKed every time they put themselves into a dangerous position and died for it then fair play, that's a legitimate stance to have.


Don't think the geography argument really works in a GTAW context tbh. You'd be hard-pressed to find a non safe-zone square of the map that doesn't see daily murders.


Again, really doesn't look like they could actually see how many there were when they went in. Gang definitely had the upper hand there, no arguing against that, but I'm still not convinced the cops broke fearRP by going in there.

They've turned an alleged threat into an imminent one in which the eventual escalation had led to a block-wide shootout in which realistically civilians might've been also killed. I assume they were too confident and hellbent on catching the guy, that they went straight into a death funnel (the complex entrance), disregarding any form of spatial awareness. This sounds like poor decision-making on their side.

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Just now, Snoof said:

Yep. If you wanna make the argument that people should be CKed every time they put themselves into a dangerous position and died for it then fair play, that's a legitimate stance to have.


Don't think the geography argument really works in a GTAW context tbh. You'd be hard-pressed to find a non safe-zone square of the map that doesn't see daily murders.


Again, really doesn't look like they could actually see how many there were when they went in. Gang definitely had the upper hand there, no arguing against that, but I'm still not convinced the cops broke fearRP by going in there.

just gonna ask this, where do you sit on the fence with your RP?

you got 2 notorious gangs, HPB (Harvard Park Brims) & Rolling 20s (R20s) both blood aligned gangs, within the same general area of occupying. As you can see from the video I posted, there's a lot of people shooting at LEO characters. There's about from my knowledge 5-7 shooters; in the clips provided, 2 cops are killed within seconds apart from one another, followed by the 3rd cop misspelling trying to hit his panic alarm. (we'll look past this char entering the panic alarm after being shot to death as that's another topic) then the 4th and final cop gets into a firefight with one of the multiple shooters before he's shot to death by 4-5 people from behind whilst engaged with this one guy in front of him.

4v2 turned into a 2v4 turned into a 2v6+ as again previous mentioned by NUMEROUS players, this is a GANG INFESTED AREA. The cops are in a notorious alley called DEATH ALLEY.

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1 minute ago, DLimit said:

I've roleplayed in the LSSD, and I would have called back-up, immediately, being fearful of entering shady alleyways of a known gang-infested territory filled with armed people. Knowing that it was formerly addressed as "Murder Alley" by other LEO departments, and even reading the manual where it states not to chase suspects in locations where they could be potentially ambushed? I would immediately call for back-up. That'd be the first course of action.

Exactly. Cops IRL even give up pursuits if it gets too fast, there's no way some cop's just gonna run into some shady housing project without calling several cruisers first.

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32 minutes ago, FatBoyTrell said:

4 cops for 6 ((Was like 11 pretty sure)) gang members in a very shady alleyway that's infested by gangs is enough?



Do you think they call SWAT and half the Watch every time someone runs towards a building in South Central IRL? And just how often do you think gang members shoot at cops IRL? This isn't 1990.

Edited by pateuvasiliu
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3 minutes ago, Smurf said:

just gonna ask this, where do you sit on the fence with your RP?

you got 2 notorious gangs, HPB (Harvard Park Brims) & Rolling 20s (R20s) both blood aligned gangs, within the same general area of occupying. As you can see from the video I posted, there's a lot of people shooting at LEO characters. There's about from my knowledge 5-7 shooters; in the clips provided, 2 cops are killed within seconds apart from one another, followed by the 3rd cop misspelling trying to hit his panic alarm. (we'll look past this char entering the panic alarm after being shot to death as that's another topic) then the 4th and final cop gets into a firefight with one of the multiple shooters before he's shot to death by 4-5 people from behind whilst engaged with this one guy in front of him.

4v2 turned into a 2v4 turned into a 2v6+ as again previous mentioned by NUMEROUS players, this is a GANG INFESTED AREA. The cops are in a notorious alley called DEATH ALLEY.

Don't forget there's another blood alligned faction ((Bloodstone Villains)), and another faction that's close with HPB ((MS13)). 

LEO's themselves have named the alleyways in Chamberlain "Murder Alley", "Death Alley".  I feel like this thread has not only showcased that the Death Penalty might be slightly unfair, but it also showcased that LEO roleplayers get away with not roleplaying fear properly. 

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2 minutes ago, Smurf said:

just gonna ask this, where do you sit on the fence with your RP?

you got 2 notorious gangs, HPB (Harvard Park Brims) & Rolling 20s (R20s) both blood aligned gangs, within the same general area of occupying. As you can see from the video I posted, there's a lot of people shooting at LEO characters. There's about from my knowledge 5-7 shooters; in the clips provided, 2 cops are killed within seconds apart from one another, followed by the 3rd cop misspelling trying to hit his panic alarm. (we'll look past this char entering the panic alarm after being shot to death as that's another topic) then the 4th and final cop gets into a firefight with one of the multiple shooters before he's shot to death by 4-5 people from behind whilst engaged with this one guy in front of him.

4v2 turned into a 2v4 turned into a 2v6+ as again previous mentioned by NUMEROUS players, this is a GANG INFESTED AREA. The cops are in a notorious alley called DEATH ALLEY.

So every police presence in these gang infested areas will be met with deadly force just because of existing? If so, is there even any area on LS map that is not gang infested? 4 cops following one person with no guns withdrawn possess no threat to anyone in the area and if we look from the other perspective, what reason did Quincy's character have to start shooting inline with these rules?



Is the possibility of catching a possession charge enough to gun 4 cops down?

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9 minutes ago, DLimit said:

I've roleplayed in the LSSD, and I would have called back-up, immediately, being fearful of entering shady alleyways of a known gang-infested territory filled with armed people. Knowing that it was formerly addressed as "Murder Alley" by other LEO departments, and even reading the manual where it states not to chase suspects in locations where they could be potentially ambushed? I would immediately call for back-up. That'd be the first course of action.

And that would've definitely been a smarter decision. The outcome shows that they made a mistake clearly enough, I'm not trying to suggest they didn't.


8 minutes ago, AnthonyCourtney said:

Aren't you arguing against yourself here? The cops took the chance of running into a firing squad when they ran into the most obvious ambush spot I've ever seen. They weren't afraid of any of the myriad possibilities once they went up those first steps. The first cop straight up ran inside and died in like .5 seconds.

I don't think so? If I was a beat cop running into a building with a whole squad of my peers I don't think the existence of such a firing squad is something I'd expect. Most people run from the police.


6 minutes ago, DeSync said:

When they go through academy, logically and realistically speaking, aren't they taught about not going in gang infested areas blindly when ((at least)) visibly outnumbered and wait for backup? I find it funny cause in this situation, four officers decided to charge after a suspect only to get gunned down mercilessly, without even requesting backup ((let's not forget the /panic 1 second after being shot in the head and forced into 2nd death state)), but for a lot of traffic stops in which someone doesn't wield at a intersection, there's at least two to three code two cars behind them.

I wasn't gonna bring up the /panic because this isn't a report topic, but that does seem like just straight up powergaming.

7 minutes ago, Smurf said:

just gonna ask this, where do you sit on the fence with your RP?

you got 2 notorious gangs, HPB (Harvard Park Brims) & Rolling 20s (R20s) both blood aligned gangs, within the same general area of occupying. As you can see from the video I posted, there's a lot of people shooting at LEO characters. There's about from my knowledge 5-7 shooters; in the clips provided, 2 cops are killed within seconds apart from one another, followed by the 3rd cop misspelling trying to hit his panic alarm. (we'll look past this char entering the panic alarm after being shot to death as that's another topic) then the 4th and final cop gets into a firefight with one of the multiple shooters before he's shot to death by 4-5 people from behind whilst engaged with this one guy in front of him.

4v2 turned into a 2v4 turned into a 2v6+ as again previous mentioned by NUMEROUS players, this is a GANG INFESTED AREA. The cops are in a notorious alley called DEATH ALLEY.

I lean illegal in my own RP. I just tend to think the police should be something we evade as criminals, not something  to confront guns blazing.

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