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Why (or should) can the death penalty be handed to a character that PLAYER-KILLED Officers?


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8 minutes ago, mthn06 said:

So every police presence in these gang infested areas will be met with deadly force just because of existing? If so, is there even any area on LS map that is not gang infested? 4 cops following one person with no guns withdrawn possess no threat to anyone in the area and if we look from the other perspective, what reason did Quincy's character have to start shooting inline with these rules?



Is the possibility of catching a possession charge enough to gun 4 cops down?

I'm not sure you've watched the video or even read half of the replies on this thread, my character (unknown to me at that time) was being investigated by cops.


Once they've seen my character, they instantly told me to come there and pulled out tasers. Knowing if I get tased it's game over, I ran inside the projects, thinking they definitely won't chase after me as that's a death warrant, right? Wrong.


They decided to chase after me in the (arguably) easiest place to win fights, a cramped door-way with ton of shooters near me.


Had they not pulled tasers and chased after me? They would've been alive.

Had they not tried to be heroes and completly ignored the fact that 90% of the "civillians" at the scene were gang members who are most likely armed, they wouldn't have gotten shot.


In that shootout, /nobody/ from my side died, keep in mind there were 10+ people around me, most of which having guns.

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13 minutes ago, mthn06 said:

So every police presence in these gang infested areas will be met with deadly force just because of existing? If so, is there even any area on LS map that is not gang infested? 4 cops following one person with no guns withdrawn possess no threat to anyone in the area and if we look from the other perspective, what reason did Quincy's character have to start shooting inline with these rules?



Is the possibility of catching a possession charge enough to gun 4 cops down?


@pateuvasiliu mentioned earlier in this thread that the suspect reached 25 Criminal Points after the deed, which implies that he had priors that might've led to extended incarceration. 


UPDATE: Guns were drawn by the cops, which is a threat to his life. 


& your accusations of deathmatching do not dismiss a) the fact that PK'ing cops should warrant a First Degree Murder charge, and b) the cops' disregard of personal safety when chasing the suspect.


I'm pretty sure you guys are trained to end chases when facing serious environmental hazards. 


Edited by munnezza
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1 minute ago, Quincy said:

I'm not sure you've watched the video or even read half of the replies on this thread, my character (unknown to me at that time) was being investigated by cops.


Once they've seen my character, they instantly told me to come there and pulled out tasers. Knowing if I get tased it's game over, I ran inside the projects, thinking they definitely won't chase after me as that's a death warrant, right? Wrong.


They decided to chase after me in the (arguably) easiest place to win fights, a cramped door-way with ton of shooters near me.


Had they not pulled tasers and chased after me? They would've been alive.

Had they not tried to be heroes and completly ignored the fact that 90% of the "civillians" at the scene were gang members who are most likely armed, they wouldn't have gotten shot.


In that shootout, /nobody/ from my side died, keep in mind there were 10+ people around me, most of which having guns.

Keep in mind, the call they received were about somebody with a weapon, they knew I was armed, why would they chase an armed person in a cramped doorway where you can easily get shot?

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1 minute ago, munnezza said:


@pateuvasiliu mentioned earlier in this thread that the suspect reached 25 Criminal Points after the deed, which implies that he had priors that might've led to extended incarceration. 


& your accusations of deathmatching do not dismiss a) the fact that PK'ing cops should warrant a First Degree Murder charge, and b) the cops' disregard of personal safety when chasing the suspect.


I'm pretty sure you guys are trained to end chases when facing serious environmental hazards. 


I've had 9 criminal points before the arrest, after that? It went up to 79.


I never said I don't think it's fair to be a lifer, nor that death warranty shouldn't be given to Demaine Jopp, and I think this has been mentioned plenty times in the thread.



What this thread is about? The fact that LEOs can disregard for their lives and impact other's with no consequences or repercussions towards their actions, the end goal being either punish the LEOs involved in said situations or lower the punishments given to the criminals.

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13 minutes ago, DeSync said:



And to add context to this, we were all otuside of the block prior to this and they had already tried to get Demaine Jopp and failed this night. (https://gyazo.com/b0db6dd5b92a0a2cb9ef170435801def)  and this was MINUTES prior. Where is the fear in knowing these criminals now know you're plan? I mean they were driving around our block for my whole 6 minutes clip just waiting and contemplating until they failed and moved to the back (where they are in this clip)


You could also argue and ask what the fuck Jack Laguna and Jorge are doing pulling up with one SUV to a bunch of gang members...putting us on edge already.  (This is in the gyazo link above)




I would also like to add context on how many people were on the block cause it was a very large number that should've warranted them showing a little bit of fear.




This was when I did /fonline just moments before. There was also people in cars and some inside the plex and surrounding area of the turf since we don't put locals in the faction script. They ran with only three police into a gang infested area for one man with a gun when they could've just pulled him over a few days later and avoided all the endangerment, but it seems they were itching to get him. Not to add that they couldn't handle their first failure so much that they were plotting in the back until we all realized it, ultimately Demaine came back out cause we didn't know who they were after and everybody said the block was safe, on top of that Demaine didn't expect nor did any of us that the police would be in the back until we were informed.


(A bit more context, Demaine doesn't even recall ever having his weapon out and we believe that the police mistook him for Marcel Harris but we didn't care to argue it and just proceeded IC, which is what we want at the end of the as well. This should've never been a big hassle.) 



Edited by ZaE
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20 minutes ago, mthn06 said:

So every police presence in these gang infested areas will be met with deadly force just because of existing? If so, is there even any area on LS map that is not gang infested? 4 cops following one person with no guns withdrawn possess no threat to anyone in the area and if we look from the other perspective, what reason did Quincy's character have to start shooting inline with these rules?



Is the possibility of catching a possession charge enough to gun 4 cops down?

if you would take the time to read through the entire thread, there was somebody whom had a warrant and several others whom have participated in several murders throughout the week as mentioned by players within these factions

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