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GTAW 3.4: Development blog & QOL update

Message added by 808Masterus,

 This update is fully available in-game now!


To avoid further questions - new pistols are also added to weapon stores! 🙂

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GTAW 3.4: Development blog

We've been working the past weeks on delivering a bunch of Quality of Life changes thanks to Community Focus Team and all of the players who participated in their last focus, that helped us massively with great suggestions to enhance the overall experience on GTA:World. We've also worked hard together with Legal Faction Management and SADCR leadership to help them with their faction release, providing the necessary tools that will help them providing the quality roleplay experience. We've also added a bunch of suggestions from outside the LFM and/or CFT, handling a lot of suggestions from the forums that were suggested in the past months.


The update will be released approximately 13/OCT/2023 - follow our official Discord announcements so you won't miss anything!


I : Livestream feature @Price @808Masterus


As of the past month, we've been working hard on the Livestream script with @Adv @Ankii and @Dama helping on the frontend side. The script is given to the News agencies within the server to make the news a more prominent entity within the in-character community.  News Agencies will now be able to, with the help of a news van, pull out a camera from the back and start streaming live events. 


The streamer will transmit live events to every player that joins the stream, and on the other end, we have opted to create a scene where the player would be, anyone around the area can force the player outside of the live stream to prevent abuse and a scene would be created to indicate to others that an individual is watching a stream. This is done to prevent any potential instances where other players want to interact with someone but he's watching a stream.


This script enables News factions to also cover areas in other dimensions such as political events or major events that are hosted, players will no longer need to rely on forum news articles or needing to read a wall of text in order to be in the know when it comes to the IC political climate, and can rather watch it happen live. The script also allows players to hear everything as they will view everything that the streamer sees or hears except for whispers directly to the streamer.


On the other hand, the streamer will have a view counter to show him how many people are watching him at a time, there's currently no limit for how many players can view the stream nor are we looking to add an artificial limit, we were successfully able to seamlessly integrate the script in a way that doesn't add a lot of stress on the server and mainly focuses on the client side of the player. The script is also made in a way to allow players with limited power PCs to be able to enjoy it and it supports different monitor sizes and aspect ratios. If an issue arises on that aspect, please reach the author of the script, that being @Price


The streamer can also be forced to stop the stream when he's cuffed, tackled, or injured to prevent any instances of powergame that can lead to awkward administrative instances. The stream will trigger a 'static' when the streamer is forced to stop his stream by one of the many ways outlined, there will also be hidden ways to force the streamer to stop streaming that the development team will not disclose in order to make people discover various aspects of this script and keep it interesting.


  • /livestream beside a news van to start streaming as a news faction member.
  • /joinstream to join the stream and start watching.
  • Players can use the F4 key to exit the stream.
  • Players can use the F6 key to refresh the interior in case the interior does not load. 
  • /stopstream to stop streaming.




II : Overcarry script @Price


The Overcarry script required a lot of work on the existing game's inventory system and revamped it to a point in which players could take advantage of a 10-minute window to carry over their limit. The overcarry system will allow players that want to move houses, move large amount of items or otherwise move objects that they couldn't have previously moved to move them now, but for a limited time window. The overcarry system will be in it's trial phase during this and will be closely monitored by the script Author, Price, everything is logged to prevent misuse of the script and even triggering it logs to the staff team. The script was also made with improvements to the old system in terms of security and reliability, as of right now, if an item 'disappears' out of a player's inventory, it will re-appear when they relog as the way of storing items is not local and the overcarry system 'mirrors' the player's inventory, thus eliminating the risk of a player potentially losing their items and having to go through the process of getting it refunded.


When making this script, we had the player in mind and while there is a potential of misuse, the dev team decided to grant the players more 'leeway' to move their items around. The player will be unable to shoot, pull his firearm out, or otherwise do anything other than move his items around while overcarrying with the script, and will be forced to drop it if he needs to do any of the normal actions he could do. The player can also drop his items due to external factors affecting him by other players such as tackling him or cuffing him. The player will also be able to quickly drop his items via a hotkey to prevent having to run various commands during stressful situations in which the player is taking fire or otherwise needs to drop his items instantly.


We've added a few measures to prevent the abuse of the script such as preventing the player from changing his character or equipping firearms while overcarrying, these actions would require the player to drop his items. And if the player disconnects in order to 'bypass' the system, his items would be dropped on disconnection and he'd lose it. While this can prove an issue for individuals with an unstable connection, it's safer if you don't overcarry if you have an unstable connection as your items will drop and the chance of a refund is slim.


The overcarry script takes inspiration from a lot of games which allow the player to carry over the limit but have consequences and debuffs in return. We made sure to make it as realistic as possible, while there are some game limitations we did our best to stretch the power of the RAGEMP client and made sure that the process doesn't lag the server nor provide too many issues for clients with weaker computers. This script will not reduce the performance as it's made to be lightweight on CPU usage and has the most minimal risk of losing items. 


We also made sure that the overcarry script does not randomly discard any items, the overcarry script is made to drop only the items you overcarried and nothing more than that. The overcarry script makes sure that the items you had before overcarrying stay in your inventory and there's no way to drop items that are not overcarried due to the design of the script. So make sure when moving items around, your valuable items are the ones in your inventory first before overcarrying.


If there are bugs, you should forward the bugs to the script author - @Price, discord DMs are an acceptable method if the bug is game-breaking or major and needs instant attention. 


  • Players can now carry over the limit.
  • Players will be forced to drop their overcarried items after few minutes.




III : Local frequencies @808Masterus


Players recommended a feature in the last Community Focus Team suggestions that will let them to rename frequencies without being a part of a legitimate faction - we got you! With the help of the new local frequencies system, players can rename their frequencies locally (shared character-wide, not account-wide or/and server-wide, which means only you can see it, on this one particular character) in order to better organize them or prevent problems like "leaking" their frequency on videos or livestreams. Up to 20 local frequencies can be saved for each character, but this number may change in the future; you, the player, will be informed of any changes in the upcoming changelogs. Renaming frequencies that have been changed server-wide (such as SD limited frequencies, for example) is prohibited and will not be supported. To keep everything user-friendly under one command, players can use the /localfrequencies command with a number of options (such as add/rename/clear/remove/list). While in-game, you may also check the brief explanation of these features with the commands by using /localfrequencies help.



IV - Group whispers @Price @808Masterus


A requested script from the community focus team is the Group Whispers, the group whispers system was designed to feel seamless and similar to other scripts, and as such, we made it to feel like the highlight script in which players simply add whisper targets and whisper to them when they're close. Keep in mind that this list does not save after changing your character or reconnecting - you will need to create whisper group once again. The purpose of this is to have hushed 'group' conversations. The groups in question may utilize this in a realistic manner and it also helps during crowded areas when people can barely see anyone else's /lows. The group whispers were forwarded to the Community Focus Team by demand from the players and if you detect any bugs, contact the script author - @Price or @808Masterus.


  • /addwhisper [name] to add someone to the whisper group.
  • /addwhisper [name] 'clear' to remove someone from the whisper group.
  • /addwhisper list to check who is currently on your whisper group.
  • /groupwhisper or /gw to whisper to a group of people after adding them.

V : Revamped tutorial @808Masterus

Our present tutorial hasn't been updated in years, thus it includes a lot of information that is either no longer relevant or is plain unnecessary. As a result, we've completely redesigned our tutorial system to be more user-friendly. These brand-new steps should assist new players in understanding the fundamentals of GTA:World features. The new tutorial won't take very long to complete, but it will cover the fundamentals. Additionally, it will now display all the essential information in the clean UIs at the bottom of your screen rather than being chat-based. Players may now use the new /restarttutorial command to restart the tutorial from the beginning. We also "forced" players to set their character attributes at the beginning of the tutorial with an explanation of what can be placed into the character attributes in order to avoid questions in the future about how to do that. To avoid problems like overlapping UIs, players in the tutorial state will be forced to use the old speedometer rather than the new UI-based one.



VI : Modding team updates

New animations

We are aware that many roleplay scenarios on the server heavily rely on animations - with that said, we are introducing about 140 additional animations that are accessible to all players thanks to @BadassBaboon! Significant amount of them also have object attachments. Finding your ideal animation will be much simpler thanks to the animation recategorize update for practically every animation on the server in the /anim menu, which you can read more about at the end of this development blog. List of most of the new animations can be found right here:


sitbytv - sitrubchin - msitchair1 - msitchair2 - msitchair3 - msitchair4 - msitchair5 - msitchair6 - msitchair7 - msitchair8 - msitchair9 - msitchair10 - msitchair11 - msitchair12 - msitchair13 - msitchair14 - msitchair15 - msitchair16 fsitchair1 - fsitchair2 - fsitchair3 - fsitchair4 - fsitchair5 - fsitchair6 - fsitchair7 - fronthandcuffs - handonbarstand - valetstand - vaping1 - vaping2 - bong1 - bong2 - bong3 - bong4 - holdroseflower - holddollarbill - sixpack1 - sixpack2 - sixpack3 - sixpack4 - suitcase1 - suitcase2 - boombox - toolbox1 - toolbox2 - toolbox3 - toolbox4 - cashbox1 - cashbox2 - foodtray1 - foodtray2 - foodtray3 - foodtray4 - foodtray5 - pizzabox - foodbag1 - foodbag2 - foodbag3 - newsmic - newsboom - mopping - raking1 - raking2 - raking3 - raking4 - sweeping1 - sweeping2 - sweeping3 - sweeping4 - shoveldig - medicalbox - walkinthepark2 - weights1 - weights2 - onehandpushup - circlecrunch - bicyclecrunch - airsquat - jumpexc - jumpjack - situps - toomanyglockiesdance - sturdydance - sturdygrounddance - walknstepdance - slutmeoutdance - toosieslidedance - twerkingdance1 - twerkingdance2 - twerkingdance3 - hitemwithdatdance - hiphop90sdance - makarenadance - salsadance - maraschinodance - armswirldance - vibewithdrink1 - vibewithdrink2 - vibewithdrink3 - vibewithdrink4 - vibewithdrink5 - vibewithdrink6 - vibewithdrink7 - vibewithdrink8 - peacesignpose - eyecamerapose - flexingmuscles - waitingforpose - coupleleer1 - coupleleer2 - pinkypose - femalecampose1 - femalecampose2 - femalecampose3 - femalecampose4 - femalecampose5 - femalecampose5 - femalecampose6 - pauliewalnuts4 - fwavehand - mwavehand - whatidk - aslyes - aslno - aslimgood - aslseeya - aslwhat - officerstand1 - officerstand2 - officerstand3 - sitguninspect - warmup - phonesit1 - phonesit2 - phonesit3 - phonestand1 - phonestand2 - phonestand3 - phonestand4 - phonelean1 - phonelean2 - phonelean3 - phonelean4 - payphone1 - payphone2 - payphone3 - payphone4 - fkneel1


New vehicles for legal factions


Finally, after all these months, thanks to @Fireworks and @Oggy, new Vapid Scout is coming with this update!


Also, thanks to @Oggy and @Kari, legal factions will receive new boat (Predator) for their use via the Legal Faction Management requests.


New objects for mapping


To support our lovely mappers, thanks to @BadassBaboon, we've also included around 100 new objects available for every player which mostly contains new water and light colors.


New weapons


Thanks to @Oggy, @chocomint and @hipsxn, players will receive a bunch of new weapons for their use!



Sledge Hammer
Pike Pole
Hydrant Wrench
Fire axe
Axe handle
Ball-peen hammer
Telescopic baton


VII : Prison & new faction - SADCR @million


The San Andreas Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation faction will provide a brand new roleplay experience and play a crucial role in providing a more realistic and immersive role in the GTA:W justice system for incarcerated individuals.

SADCR will also be responsible for overseeing parole operations. Parole agents will be tasked with supervising individuals released from prison under parole/probation and ensuring compliance with conditions. We hope this system will provide a new venue for illegal characters where plenty of roleplay opportunities are created, ranging from assisting individuals to reintegrate into society to working with other factions to offer support services to reduce the risk of recidivism. 


If you are curious about the mapping of the new State Prison, you can take a look at screenshots there:



You can read more about SADCR faction in their faction topic, or ask their leadership for more details on their Discord!

The San Andreas Department of Corrections plays a crucial role in the administration of justice and protection of public safety in the State of San Andreas. As one of the largest correctional systems in the United States, the San Andreas Department of Corrections is responsible for operating the state's prisons, parole units and various community-based programs aimed at rehabilitating offenders and reducing recidivism. 

The primary goal of the San Andreas Department of Corrections is to ensure public safety by incarcerating, supervising and rehabilitating individuals convicted of crimes. The primary function of the department, as such, is the management of state prisons. The department operates multiple facilities which vary in security levels and offer a variety of programs.

In addition to managing prisons, the San Andreas Department of Corrections is responsible for overseeing parole operations. Parole agents work closely with parolees, helping them find stable housing, employment, and accessing necessary treatment or counseling services to facilitate reintegration into society.

Changes by the development team

We are introducing plenty of new features that were made specifically for San Andreas Department of Corrections and its players. You can read about them below and all we can say is that it will not end on those.


— Probation system (/probation)

The new /probation system aims to simplify the whole probation process by automatically putting an ankle monitor on the specified target by the LEO. It automatically teleports the target to the main SADCR exit and puts an ankle monitor as mentioned before. All the arresting officer will have to do is mark that the person is currently on probation. It will open new ways for Law Enforcement Agencies and normal players. Adding to that, misdemeanors should no longer result in prison time - /probation will work as an alternative to the current guilty pleas system. Usage of that feature is pretty simple as all you need to do is stand close to the target as a LEO and use /probation John (or ID) confirm, otherwise, the command won't proceed. SADCR will get an alert on chat that someone has been put on a probation period.


— Prison Panic (/ppanic)

Moving on to the next addition that has been made specifically for the San Andreas Department of Corrections, we would like to introduce a completely new Panic Alarm. This new addition only alerts individuals who are on jail duty. This means that people who are not on jail duty (e.g. LSPD or LSSD) won't be alerted unless Correctional Officers decide to use standard panic alarm.


— /onduty (On Duty Guards List) & /inmates in User Interface

Those two commands were moved from the chat to the user interface in order to improve the user experience that we've been working on for quite some time now. In addition to the already existing /onduty command, we added the guard's current rank to simplify recognition of them. /inmates user interface only displays the cell and name.



— Prison PA (/prisonpa)

Another thing that has been marked as finished is prison PA system. /prisonpa command will allow Correctional Officers to broadcast messages around the entire prison and its interiors allowing for quick In Character message to everyone within the perimeter.


— Sentence based uniforms

After the update is fully released, your prison uniforms will depend on the sentence you've received! If your sentence equals or is higher than 3 days, your uniform will be set as a blue one. Otherwise, it will be orange.


— Prison arrest (/arrestprison)

A new command has been added for Law Enforcement Officers as a replacement for the /arrestcounty command after SADCR gets released. The only thing that changes is the lack of a wristband/bracelet option. Example usage: /arrestprison [target] [days] [hours] [minutes] [Male/Female/Minor/SHU/PC].


VIII : Various small changes/additions/fixes 

This is a list of all the stuff that we've done in the past weeks that wasn't included above, but it's still worth sharing - there is a lot of them, we know! Some of them (mostly fixes) are already available in-game, but they weren't announced anywhere.


  • Added lockable gate at 114 station for PD which is lockable using the H key. @BadassBaboon & @808Masterus
  • Added different blip color for leased properties. They will now be blue, instead of green. @808Masterus
    • Spoiler



  • Added /checkorder command to check the destination business of your current trucking order. @808Masterus
  • Added shadow border around text in new speedometer to make it look better. @808Masterus
  • Added /togglesubwoofer to toggle the subwoofer audio emitter render on/off for your vehicle, not locally. @808Masterus
    • Subwoofers will be enabled by default like it used to be. (If vehicle have the subwoofer modification installed, obviously)
    • This command can only be used while in a vehicle, and while at the front seats.
    • Subwoofer mute state does NOT save between vehicle respawns and/or server restarts.
  • Added 4 new map blips available via /badblip for business owners, under 'Businesses' category. @808Masterus
    • Spoiler


  • Added a bunch of aliases for existing commands. @million
    • /prisonduty alias for the /jailduty command.
    • /checkpduty alias for the /checkjduty command.
    • /equipment prison alias for the /equipment jail command.
  • Added /fs alias for /findstreet command. @808Masterus
  • Added missing hint for /jnotify & /resetcorpses commands. @million
  • Added /jailrules and /prisonrules commands to show the jail/prison rules on chat whenever you want. @808Masterus
  • Added 25 new icons to the /iconpicker. @million
    • Spoiler



  • Added /lower which is an even lower range of whisper than /low. @Price
    • /lower will show for people in half of the /low range.
  • Added utility knife to the stores for people to purchase. @Price
    • Utility knife can be used to unrestrain people that have been restrained by ties.
  • Added liters <-> gallons conversion to the speedometer. @Azelat
  • Added an option to call the officer main phone number via the /pcad using a button. @808Masterus
    • Spoiler



  • Added another display of fuel to the electric vehicles in the new speedometer. @Azelat
  • Added notification about new /voicemail message that can be checked by /notifications. @808Masterus
    • It will only trigger if the target is offline.
  • Added a notification on chat while going on /pduty if you don't have a main phone, or your main phone is NOT set as your work phone via MDC. @808Masterus
  • Added missing weapon components for Carbine Rifle MK2. @Nervous
  • Added Pike pole, Fire axe, Halligan, Hydrant Wrench and Sledge Hammer to the /mtake and /mplace commands. @million



  • Organized (almost) all of the animations so they can be browsed and found easier. @BadassBaboon & @808Masterus
    • Removed the category called Dancing and Dances, now we have Regular Dances, Professional Dances and Rave Dances.
    • All gangsigns are now under a new category called Gangsigns.
    • Added a new category for some anims called Exercises.
    • Added a new category for some anims called Walking.
    • Added a new category for some anims called Smoking.
  • Slightly changed the 'design' of /anim UI. Added animation count for each category as well. @808Masterus
    • Spoiler



  • On-duty LEOs will be able to use /druganalyze command without the need of the NarcoCheck item in their inventory. @808Masterus
  • Updated various building and business signs around the map, including the SAPR's new HQ. @BadassBaboon
  • Recoded /druganalyze and /druginfo commands to eliminate issues with drugs not being recognized as drugs. These commands will now require item index instead of item name. @808Masterus
  • Increased the attributes (normal/duty/masked/tattoo/property/container/vehicle) limit to 800 characters & 9 lines. (Previously: 500 characters & 6 lines) @Price
  • /radiome, /radiodo, /radiomelow, /radiodolow now have an optional slot argument (example: /radiomelow 3 chuckles.) to send the message to different slot than the main one. @808Masterus
    • Doing it without any slot argument (example: /radiome chuckles.) will trigger that on the main slot, just like usual.
  • Increased the range of hiding text labels/information markers while toggling them via F7 by 200%. It shouldn't cause your game to freeze now like it used to do in the past. @808Masterus
  • Increased the exterior (dimension 0) gate/door check distance by 50% while in a vehicle. @808Masterus
  • Changed few messages in exterior (dimension 0) gate/door handling. @808Masterus
  • [CFT] Notifications will NOT show anymore if your client HUD is disabled. (For example, via F7) @808Masterus
    • This support every single type of notifications now, no matter if thats the vanilla GTA one, or custom GTA:W (CEF) one.
    • Notifications that were already showed won't disappear after toggling your UI off. You will need to wait a while for them to disappear.
    • There is few exception from this 'rule', and few notifications will be showed every time no matter what to avoid confusions.
  • Changed a style of few vanilla GTA notifications, like fuel station notifications and mapping mode toggle notifications. @808Masterus
  • Prison payphones will now say the incoming call from San Andreas State Prison - Los Santos County instead of TTCF. @million
  • Renamed /jrequest to /prequest. Previous name will still work as an alias. @million
  • Renamed /jevent to /pevent. Previous name will still work as an alias. @million
  • SADCR will now have access to the /togtrustee command. @million
  • SADCR will now have access to the /prequest command. @million
  • SADCR will now have access to the /pevent command. @million
  • SADCR will now have access to the /givejailuniform command. @million
  • SADCR will now have access to the /plockdown command. @million
  • Changed usage message for /givejailuniform and added some error handling. @million
  • Changed usage message for /jlockdown and edited some of the messages. @million
  • Changed vehicle inventory weight for a few vehicles. @million



  • Fixed text align in new speedometer. @808Masterus
  • Fixed duplicated messages for player triggering the station change in vehicle/property. @808Masterus
  • Fixed (hopefully) a bug where the faction/business bank transfer will trigger twice while running the command. @808Masterus
  • Fixed weapon visibility (current in hand/visible) while in a peephole state. @808Masterus
  • Fixed blocking/unblocking peephole not checking the distance between player and property entrance properly. @808Masterus
  • Fixed several issues with autolock door/gate timer not clearing up, causing the gate to close in random moments instead of 15 seconds every time. @808Masterus
  • Fixed an issue with exterior (dimension 0) doors/gates not being handled properly while in a vehicle. Use H key while inside a vehicle to (un)lock exterior door/gate. @808Masterus
  • Fixed /anim walkinthepark2 having incorrect flags. @million
  • Fixed speedometer display when player activate/deactive the speedometer, or the HUD by F7. @Azelat
  • Fixed speedometer mileage calculations. @Azelat
  • Fixed speedometer background issues. @Azelat
  • Fixed overflow of the fuel gauge in new speedometer. @Azelat
  • Fixed typo in the October short month name in the phone/advertisements UI. @million
  • Fixed a bug where you'd be billed hourly by the full monthly price of a leasing properly if you had the keys for it. @Element
  • You can no longer /id masked people via ID. @Price
  • /locs now don't overstack when you have glasses on your head and/or eyes. @Price
  • Fixed snakecam showing weapons and allowing people to walk around while in the snakecam mode. @Price
  • Fixed issues with /release for SD. @St3fan[NL]
  • Fixed several issues with client-errors popping up after one of the latest GTA/RAGE:MP updates. @808Masterus
  • Fixed various issues with the game server code improving the performance and eliminating (or at least reducing) the server lags occuring randomly. @Nervous
  • Fixed ragdoll timer not clearing up properly causing you to colapse every 60 seconds. @808Masterus
  • Fixed tackle script giving full immunity for on-duty cops. Now only 'blue-on-blue' will be prevented, just like it was supposed to be. @808Masterus
  • Fixed some YMAP issues. @BadassBaboon


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