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About kristofer

  • Birthday June 8

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  1. We have a whole dedicated section on the forums for suggesting mods, but the suggestions there can date back a full year with not a single response from the modding team. Only suggestions I see getting a response from the team are stuff that 100% won't get implemented due to X or Y reason, but everything else is left into the void. Why even have a dedicated section for mods at that point lol If you ignore mods that the community asks for and needs then the option for them to add them to their games themselves should remain and should be supported. The team is also extremely biased when it comes to implementing certain mods, but that's a whole different rabbit hole to go into.
  2. Sounds like a you problem, maybe ask your chief to get those new police Elegies or whatever so you can keep up with those silly evaders
  3. Sounds like a skill issue, cop cars already have superior handling and acceleration compared to your average civilian car
  4. looting should've never been a thing in the first place, only promotes shit tier rp and rat mentality
  5. ive reported this issue well over a year or two ago but the modding team has decided to ignore the issue completely, I've made a suggestion about it in the past and a bug report that haven't gone anywhere
  6. this, people going /b constantly breaks the flow and takes you out of the game, I shouldn't be forced to see a useless chat that's rarely ever used for it's intended purpose
  7. or just ban guns entirely at this point because everyone is treating this server like a looter shooter lmao
  8. Sounds like a very legal and reasonable response to getting a gun drawn on you.
  9. You have people saying that it's easier to get ahold of a firearm and conceal carry it in real life than it is on this server, myself included. We do not need a "Good cause" or whatever that even means where I live. So why is the process of being able to conceal carry more difficult here than it is in some European countries?
  10. but that would hurt the server's profits!! we must stick to 30 minute ajails waaah
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