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Everything posted by Cici

  1. Turns out she just wanted work done. Men get to work on Bahama Mamas.
  2. Hey, just wanted to suggest possibly getting rid of the ranks from the /fonline and the /fchatlog. I don't need to explain really what good would come of it, no actual good comes from it right now. All it does is incite metagame. :) Lets remove it.
  3. Not counting the alts, I'd have a total of 19 members, counting our 10 new outsiders and our two new ones we just got yesterday. Try to stay on topic though. o/
  4. That's why we have guides and showcasing. Or, people can go on to develop as they please. I have a 22 man faction and not 1 of them are up my ass daily. They do a pretty good job.
  5. It's not though, it's up to the roleplayer who joined to be up to par by everyone in the faction's standards, not just the leader. Otherwise, everyone should be just spamming the leader with questions and concerns daily, inadvertently creating more work for someone who can be putting that energy in more important places, like recruiting correctly, maintaining a realistic factor for everyone who comes AND goes. It's up to us as a team of creative community folk to thoroughly and vehemently set the bar for good roleplay. Does "official" and "unofficial" set that bar? Or does our roleplay set that bar? We need to take this out of the hands of admins, and put it BACK in the hands of roleplayers to set the bar. The admins will lose absolutely zero control over factions if this is implemented, and it'll open a gateway for more effective and efficient systems. There's a reason why some people besides myself argue that there's an issue lately. Again, I think most of the staff do a real real bang up job keeping the players happy and active. No question. But a change in standard as a community would certainly hurt very little. All it'll bring forth is growing pains, people getting used to the NEW way. And abandoning what they've known for 8+ years in other communities.
  6. YES, my son. lol. I think after everyone's input it's safe to admit it's a discussion our staff (and faction leaders) should be having.
  7. Fuck that. Show the admins you’re better than their OOC standard that clearly affects IC. Keep your faction. Don’t let them dictate how special your faction is to you. They can only dictate how special it is to them... and evidently not many factions are special to them these past 6 months because only 4 factions got “official.” Official means nothing. Just means “cool, here’s some commodities.” To think they get to decide when and when you do not represent the server is arrogant and shows how insecure they can be as a team. You still represent this server, because you have been here this long. So don’t let the status change, change YOUR faction my brother. I’m sorry OOC evidently means more than what is ICly developed on this server. I dare someone to hide this, and prove my point for me. Rise above it. This faction was and still is great, thanks to development and effort. And I don’t think they’re trying to say otherwise by removing your status, but its not a step in the right direction. Just rise above it and show this server you mean business anyway, with or without this “status.”
  8. Feelings are pretty mixed on this topic, perfect way to know it needs to be discussed. 11 people are all for it. 15 people are flat not at all for it. 5 people think it wouldn’t hurt to try. That’s 16 to 15.
  9. So we’d be eliminating exactly what you’re talking about if things went this way. What I’m talking about is the actual want to develop a character in a faction, instead of just joining to get official and leaving when you realize you don’t always get what you want. ^_^ That does happen you know. A lot. What could be causing that? My hypothesis is the old standard of “official” and “unofficial” still counting as a factor. Factions can still be rewarded for their hard work and development, they just won’t be “stickied.” Or called “official.” There will be no label, now nobody is special. Now you decide how special your faction is by putting in the development till the very day you close. FM would still have to monitor these factions regardless but they don’t need weekly updates no more, you can instead have the player give monthly updates. Now that’s 12 instead of 52 things you gotta do in one year in GTAW for both players, admin and leader. Efficiency. Efficiency is so important to GTAW’s level of growth.
  10. It’s more or less the old way things are done. Its old and played out in the eyes of some, me being one of them. I can see this chopping a mountain of work in half for people in faction management. I can also see it getting people actually focused on developing a character with actual character traits no matter what type of faction they join. When I hear “it’s just a game” for realistic suggestions like this, I chuckle a little, because I feel like thats the most typical, most commonly used excuse to disagree with a good idea. Surely we are all 100% aware that this is a game, but I’ll tell you what I tell everyone else who says that, with all due possible respect- thanks for telling us what we already know. But this is a reach for more immersive creativity and realism. Surely you can’t argue that there is no such thing as official and unofficial in real life, all you COULD argue in this case is that its what people who have been in communities like these have been used to since they were created. Should GTAW be the same as everyone else or do we strive for a more realistic setting? A more EFFICIENT setting? That’s what this is.
  11. Totally fair point. But the community can't decide who'se official and who'se unofficial, if there is no status at all. They can only decide who they deal with and who they don't deal with, like real life. Faction management would still be able to spark discussions amongst themselves on who deserves what perks, thanks to their longevity and development, and it would be metagame free to the people who wonder OOCly (for the wrong reasons). I am surprised at everyone's input, thank you all seriously for expanding on it.
  12. Lenny makes new friends. Randy as well.
  13. Now if there was no status, nobody can get their friends official. Because official and unofficial doesn't exist. Isn't that ICly what it's all about, developing IC relationships? I didn't know Orcaninja or BruceLee or Serenity OOCly before they became my allies. Hell, I even disliked Natasha ICly. We roleplayed that. And after we threw it to the side for business we became great partners. The roleplay should dictate who means what, ICly. Not the OOC official status. :)
  14. The council expands. Leonard Cicciarello has now solidified his relationships with all elements of the street, opening a gateway for his family to prosper. As an originator of the council, Leonard is now considered a veteran on the council.
  15. Cici

    Spamming ads

    Maybe we can hide the ads completely, or find a way to integrate them into our IC phone or internet, this way they're not smack dab on the chat log. I may or may not have been guilty of so called "spamming" advertisements, sometimes you just want to overtly get your name out there. While it's annoying, we need ads. So perhaps hiding them will be the best way.
  16. He fixed it. It was a major conflict while my faction was (and is no longer) under scrutiny.
  17. It's a good discussion to be having. I feel like some people are less focused on what we want as a server and more focused on getting official or in an official faction as fast as possible, especially after FiveRP closed and we got this new influx of refugees. Lol. Being a good roleplayer is one thing, physically developing what you have in character takes patience and development, and that's what I think the main point behind this is. While I respect the official faction concept and the current way it works, I think this server is ready to set a BRAND NEW standard for roleplayers who consider themselves above average in their creativity. I consider this evolution, lol. Out with the old way, in with the new way. And what- worst comes to worst, we try it, we don't like it, we just go back to the old way things were, how it is now. This will bring back the will to develop and it'll also eliminate every single future asshole we get who throws around their official weight, like it makes a difference to a good faction with substance. The only difference it makes right now is the commodities that come with it. Like realistically, my gun warehouse can be shut down ICly at any given time, just because the wrong person knows where it is. That's an every day thing we have to deal with. I shouldn't lose a gun warehouse if I spent 6 months developing the roleplay around it because of some OOC status that is counterproductive to dynamic realism and developed roleplay. What would official or unofficial make a difference if a cop found our warehouse? It wouldn't. I'd still be arrested and all the components/guns that were found will be confiscated. I would even think even if I remained an official faction leader, couldn't we lose that at any given time anyway? Then what? Half the faction quits because half the faction only joined for guns? lol. Am I coming correct here or just confusing the masses again lol. People need to learn how to keep shit IC and ONLY IC. People can learn how to respect showcasing and development, instead of a green stickynote next to your faction's name. But this wouldn't work unless EVERYBODY is removed from official and nobody is ever given official again. The new reward/perk system simply requires approval from FM. Nice and easy. Less work for everybody.
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