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Balkan Beast

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  1. Balkan Beast


    That is a great idea. I honestly hope that's kept full time for farmhouses so they're always used for RP. There's a gas station in Sandy Shores and there's one on the highway due east of Paleto Bay on the highway. There is a 24/7 store in Sandy Shores and Harmony. I'm not sure about the other towns but I know there's a gas station in the Zancudo Valley just off the highway.
  2. Balkan Beast


    It wouldn't make a difference. Servers of similar sizes also stretch it out. It'll feel like a ghost town even if you're at 500 players. This server is much more unstable, it's not the client. Personally, I average 5 crashes an hour or less if I'm lucky whereas before elsewhere I get one or one every few hours. Driving from Paleto Bay, Sandy Shores, Grapeseed or Harmony runs a good chance of you getting a crash if you're forced to go to LS. He suggests one of each store at the least which isn't unreasonable. That can be spread out across each town. There are barbershops in Sandy Shores and Paleto Bay. There's a tattoo parlor in Sandy Shores. There's a clothing store in Harmony, Grapeseed, and Paleto Bay. The one thing against having certain properties that can be said in towns in Blaine County is that they shouldn't be brought in because like on LSRP, people would hoard the farms because they are unique to inflate their value. The other homes are also limited. I don't know if there's some kind of limit on properties or a price hike but if there isn't the only thing stopping claiming a whole town is a tax hike. Sure people can RP in these areas with nothing. It'd be powergame though to RP owning any of the homes. The one up side is just that you end up wherever you log off or crash at.
  3. Guy I can't have a discussion with you if you can't understand that I am saying that the in game dollar is ten times weaker than the real life dollar. Either you're trolling or you're not able to understand the obvious. Either way don't spam up the topic with it. I'd like actual input not back and forth on word meanings. Take off a zero it is as simple as that to understand, Jesus. It's not like this very same discussion has went on for like 7 years on LSRP.
  4. It would be optional.
  5. .... I clearly mean that the currency value is ten times that of the general IRL value of a US dollar. We are roleplaying in the United States, it is an unrealistic value for a US dollar. You know full well what my intention here is you just want to sound like you're smart. When the truth is, you're being full of yourself. Let me know you're capable of having a discussion. I already explained repeatedly how nonscripted goods work in practice on servers where the money is nowhere near the real-life currency value. All you can seem to do is say: "No, inflation is this". "It's okay that the money is ten times the # of the dollar because Japan, Zimbabwe, and Herpaderpastan."
  6. The script doesn't need to cater to my demands. Do you see me suggesting a hunger system or anything else? No. I am requesting a realistic currency value which does influence whether or not people buy your product. That cost makes it easier to run because you can ask for a realistic price. I already HAVE created my market elsewhere where there is realistic pricing. I expanded a fruit stand into a wholesale distributor with a retail juice bar.There are no businesses here to SUPPLY and the currency value is multiplied by TEN. Some people do not want to pay the equivalent of that tenfold value. But again, by all means, keep saying things should stay how they are. You're basically arguing that a realistic currency shouldn't be done because ???. I still don't' see it.
  7. 1. Nervous was a mod and developer on another server. He's aware of how pricing could've been done. I am assuming LS-RP staff members gave input and went for the inflation approach. 2. That would be the case in real life, not here. I am telling you that as someone who ran tons of businesses selling non-scripted goods. People call it immersion breaking if you try to translate the price of something not scripted into the inflated price. Those people instead just don't buy it. As stated people have an easier time agreeing with :"This drink costs $2." instead of "This drink costs $20". Why? Because that is what they are used to in real life. I'm not talking out of my ass when I say that. 3. Creative ideas are less viable for the wrong reasons which I've stated already. The business cannot be profitable if it is because people refuse to change a money value. 4. Since there is no way to get people to come to your business out of the blue for no reason and since it only runs during a portion of your play time. Ads are not only used as "TV and Radio" which is why there are personal ads. People don't buy groceries, people don't get hungry, they don't have the same needs as they would in real life because they don't have any of those feelings. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. A simplistic change would stop this I don't see why you're defending it. It is only going to be possible to change at the beginning because later on, people are going to say "Oh that won't change anything." "That's so much work." Followed by years of stagnancy and ignored fixes. Then it can be a spitting image of LS-RP with the million dollar houses in the ghetto.
  8. Balkan Beast


    Paleto Bay is a very desirable area and great for roleplay. That whole 'stick to LS' logic needs to stay back on LSRP.
  9. If someone is triggered over it they can just report. It should've never been taken off.
  10. For the sake of clarifying the flaw on nonscripted goods, I'll say that something I wanted to do is run a fruit stand business and build on that overtime. I've already done this elsewhere with zero script support at all. The difference between the two places is currency value and businesses. An ad is $1000 yet per hour you make $5000 assuming you're broke. A scripted job won't support you enough to get by. The money you get from players is going to be assumed to be a realistic price in an unrealistic economy or you get the above situation of: "HOLY SHIT IM SUPPOSED TO PAY $40 FOR SOME ORANGES?!" Like on LSRP, these types of businesses get screwed over if they go the realistic path because of the currency value. They end up having to rely on paychecks and good will. On a server with a semi-realistic pricing, this loss is much more bearable because I pay $100 for an ad and can sell my fruit for a semi-realistic pricing. Even without good will, I can sometimes make a profit. With the paycheck disappearing at $150,000 in assets that means you'll be forced to do grinding to run a roleplayed business. I am not pulling these beliefs out of my ass, most of the businesses I ran on LS-RP sold non-scripted goods. The only ones that people will not dispute paying the realistic value for are strippers. @Nervous I believe hasn't at all taken any of that into account when making money work that way. In the end, this system for one starts the economy up with ridiculous inflation, like on LSRP. Secondly, it punishes people that want to do creative ideas and provide roleplay for others. Thirdly... Again, immersion breaking.
  11. The money on here is inflated, to begin with for some reason and the turbo on here isn't done by you it's done with labor costs included. The inflation bit should definitely be fixed it made zero sense to make it that way. I'm sure if there were mechanics it'd be possible to get mods for cheaper eventually. The reason to limit it is as stated so people don't put a turbo in their car just to make it fast. Yes, people do that for OOC reasons. On SA-MP that'd get done with nitrous. Do I think $70,000 is a bit much? Yes, that's more than a house.
  12. I'm well aware of that. It still leads to filler when it's specifically a word count versus having paragraph requirements. When it is paragraphs more emphasis is placed on sentence structure.
  13. Not being able to v park for free is done that way so someone can't despawn their car with guns/drugs in it. I get your frustration cause it's a huge map and I've had to do that a lot. If admins answer reports properly and are spread out across timezones it should be fine. But I'm assuming they spawn vehicles for people when they randomly destroy/disappear/don't spawn. Without spawns, housing doesn't have much of a purpose other than a safe place to rp inside except to change clothes.
  14. Instead of the other donator features, it'd be nice if donating meant getting more clothing slots. 10 is enough to cover you for awhile. Ten more for donating once would definitely be enough to cover most people. It's a totally cosmetic change so it wouldn't do anything but take more money away.
  15. One of the best changes to come about on LS-RP was that leased businesses were no longer tied to specific places. It is perfectly possible to do the same here. This will allow players to be more creative when it comes to doing their business ideas. I personally have an idea that doesn't work right now because of that fact. If a player wants a business at a custom location they should be able to request it the same way through an application. The only change would be required is just adding in a screenshot of the game map, the exterior, and the interior they would like to use. Things taken into account with fees should take into account that: - Some businesses do not earn the same as others. Ex: A farm with a storage interior would basically be for RP. - The location. If this is in the wrong section move it. I put it here because the businesses are in the game at set locations.
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