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Everything posted by LizziePup

  1. I never really considered that before, yeah. What's the point in announcing any redtext at all if it can be subverted with a script item?
  2. If cell phones can have it without issue, I don't see why it couldn't be added to much more sensitive data. +1
  3. Please, yes. This might be more of a rule suggestion, but its completely necessary. +1
  4. If it can be toggled in the styles menu, +1.
  5. More features to the F3 menu seems like a great way to remind people it actually exists. Not being able to even see how tall, old, or what a masked person sounds like makes no sense. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to recognize key distinguishing features even with coverings. (Change your desc when masking up to only what's visible and reasonable if you wanna be safe!) +1
  6. This would be amazing, especially for accident-prone stupid teenagers, which is a large demographic of characters. Being able to visibly show up with a massive bruise or black eye would be so good. Getting in some random fight, fucking up a trick on your bike, etc. should look how it actually should.
  7. Reminder that this feature/bug was first asked about in 2018. I've been waiting so long and all I can do is stand outside a grocery store with a petition form.
  8. Please, even with the /surgery menu you have to jump through so many hoops to not ruin your face. For those not familiar, for EVERY SINGLE SLOT, you have to: Manually set all aging, complexion, sun damage, and moles/freckles to the proper value, and opacity, while fighting the bugginess of the /surgery overlay system. Go to body blemishes, set a texture value, set opacity to 0, then 100, THEN pick the right texture value. Pray. Repeat 19+ more times for the rest of your slots. I've done this more than once for different characters and it hurts my soul, especially because you have to redo it any time you want to change any other features. Edit: and no, "Save to All Slots" loses all settings
  9. BIG +1 Imagine things like blind players with canes, someone with a cast on their arm, the sort of things that get tiring FAST to describe in every single emote you do. The auto status for health state is also fantastic considering it's just about impossible to 'guess' how someone is health wise, especially if both co-exist so nothing gets overwritten just for being injured. (Badly injured) (Bandaged) (Limping)
  10. This thread is a warzone. +1 especially if there were some color variation. If you use any 'legging' type pants or similar with matching shoes, when you take them off its suddenly just bare feet which always looks bizarre.
  11. It's weird how there's not really any difference between the models of phones past iPhone 3s. Some more features to give some non-rp reason to buy an expensive phone would be nice. +1
  12. I always want to sell candles as usable items but 'eating' a candle for health is the obvious reason why not. +1
  13. Would be great, especially the fact that it could be managed without every single job listing and poster being ripped down by some random passerby. Just about every community hub I know of IRL has a board like this, for bands, for job listings, etc, especially coffee shops. +1
  14. Would also be nice to see body blemishes/moles fixed without having to mess with the /surgery menu jankiness. +1
  15. Male bodies can already use donor female anims without modification on GTAW right now. There's really not many differences code-wise between male and female, just the actual visible shape, and the clothes that fit that shape.
  16. I'm tired of having to do workarounds like "[John Doe's voice:] You should meet us there!" +1
  17. People in Paleto can actually have clean cars for once without waiting for a garage to open, plus it is a pretty standard car enthusiast thing to wash your own car. If there's really a concern about making player owned washes useless, maybe some other benefit could be gotten from those or drawbacks given to hand washes. 24 hours of no dirt gathering or setting your dirt level to -2 instead of 0 to get more longevity out of a professional wash vs hand washes only removing 5 dirt levels at a time or something like that. Either way, dirt needs to be fixed before anything should be talked about, but it's a great idea. +1
  18. On the flipside, I was trying to get my car dirty, and it kept resetting back to 2 every 30 minutes or so. It's super frustrating. It'd be great to get fixed, but turning it off until then is a good middle ground. +1
  19. This was 2019-2020 so still allowed, but the fact that it was ALL in PMs got to me too. An emote or line would have consequences IC I could use, especially on faction turf. Instead they just caught a glance of nametag and thought they'd go for it and got confused when I'd yell at them.
  20. People PMing to arrange ERP or rape perms completely out of the blue. Never even SEEN them before, they just drove down the street window shopping and saw my char biking or smoking. They'd also always get shocked and defensive at me being offended by it. It'd happen most as a gang lookout but a fair bit just wandering as a visible druggie.
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