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Posts posted by Censored

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vice_ said:

    The love of writing and encouraging others to write well isn't pretentious.


    It's pretentious to call that pretentious. It's pretentious to say that it's a form of "stalling", or that it's like "smelling one's own farts". It's an art. And whether or not you admit it, you're contributing to that art one way or another. Why not try and make that art something gorgeous? Why is it so "cool" not to care? It fascinates me, that like, considering the amount of time most people spend playing GTAW, that this is the overall consensus. Essentially, what that tells me... Is you're boasting about spending hours upon hours on a writing game, but don't care for writing. And, it's fun because...?


    Also, obviously tone gets lost in writing words - especially on the forum. People assume I'm sit here, smug, smoking a pipe and glowering over the text as if I'm here to put anyone down. I'm not. I'm simply acknowledging that this is a writing game. I'm acknowledging that there's a lack of effort in people's writing. And bringing up this topic shouldn't be met with so much hatred or spite or resistance - but it does.


    If you're not going to put "power" behind the firewall of being an avid writer, and instead put it behind gameplay features, you're asking for the majority of the player-base to not care about what's on that page. Again, it seems to me that all the resistance comes from a deeper, rooted sense of pride, based solely off the fact that if we were to acknowledge quality of writing as valuable, perhaps more valuable than assets or gameplay design (ie: how good of a shot you are), then it threatens everything people hold dear.


    And that, right there, is so, so, so sad.


    Because, there's really, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, a much better, more rewarding experience that awaits - beyond the script items. If you're frustrated with certain events, or characters, or how something had played out. Or, you're frustrated with red tape, or certain aspects of your time spent playing... I can safely assume that 99%-%100 of that disgruntlement is based off quality of RP. 


    There's nothing wrong with people wanting to learn how to write. I love writing. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to provide detail. I eat that shit up. There's nothing wrong with providing people with a sense of belonging and worth that has nothing to do with in-game assets. I pray that others feel the same.


    So, yeah. If we're pretentious... As "avid writers" or "paragraph RPers", what the fuck does that make you? Cool? You're still sitting behind a computer, playing a writing game for hours and hours on end. Mind you, one of /the/ most odd, obscure and hard to talk about platforms. We're all one step away from DnDers and LARPers. Except, what, because you don't type with detail and bash people that do, you're suddenly... What, not playing the same game? That sounds like a bunch of Commy gobildy-gook.

    I'mma just respond to this since this is obviously in some part a response to my comment as you go on about not being pretentious while spewing a bunch of pretentiousness.

    I love writing, I used to write stories quite frequently actually. I've even done fluff and paragraph RP and enjoyed it but it's literally all about the time, place and setting which is what 90% of what people on this thread have said but trying to "discuss" with you is literally like talking to a brick wall and honestly? I think my favourite part about this thread is it's whining about how no one accepts you or this style of roleplay, meanwhile you sit here and shit on others for doing things differently than you.

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  2. 1 hour ago, zaXer. said:

    +1 that'd improve relations between towns. 10k is also too much for the average player, nobody wants to spend 20k to go back and forth from LS/LC just to visit a nightclub or an event, for example. 

    Why would you be flying across the whole country just to go to a nightclub?
    The average person doesn't fly across the country to go to events or vacation once a week, not even once a month.

    -1, plan better 

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  3. Hi, Daniela Rosales here.

    The "RP" was rather lacklustre, no effort put into it even leading up to the incident. Both his and his friends grammar was appalling.
    I simply can't not say something as they genuinely do not seem like a good fit for a heavy roleplay server.
    You see, as seen by his claims in a different report that is up on him at the moment, he is a "crime family assassin" who also likes to get his pedicure and apply for jobs as a salon receptionist (he attempted to apply for a job at Black Rose Beauty the night before).

    Outside of him and his friend not exactly being quality roleplayers this specific incident looks a lot like trolling. On it's own trolling is a problem but when you add sexualisation into it, that's a whole other thing. It's gross, it's not funny and I refuse to take this ICly and into my characters development.

    In addition, I believe that his friend that was there with him (Derek Finney) might be a similar type of player, from how they interacted with us from entering the salon up to the actual incident. From how they interacted with each other (Derek seemingly baiting it out of Danny ICly) I believe that they might have been egging each other on OOCly as well through voice.


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  4. 42 minutes ago, knppel said:

    i'm not so worried about immersion, but this would create serious continuity issues long term.

    Would we treat one day as three from now on?

    How many irl days pass in a week?

    Is irl monday ig monday?

    Did Joe murder Jack a week ago or was it three weeks?


    No thanks


    You don't log in for 2 days straight and suddenly your character has gone missing for over a week.

    Continuity is already tricky enough, why make it worse? That on its own can fuck heavily with immersion.


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