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About munnezza

  • Birthday 06/27/2000

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  1. > play GTAW > you've been playing too much, its' 3 AM > log out > next day you spawn where you logged out > no car > hoodrat sees you > nocar = easy to rob > get robbed because your character choose to sleep on the street which is the realistic option according to this topic
  2. They're the underground elites. The Grand Mechanic Lodge.
  3. People in real life are mostly conscious before starting fights with strangers. On GTAW? Well, there's no consequences. God forgive if you pull a gun and pander to their lust for DM. I try my best to avoid fights that are motivated out of boredom by other players or out of the desire to post sick screens of beating people on their faction thread.
  4. I agree. The phone system is already metagamey due to the fact that everyone can see your full name when you call.
  5. Some character that I found later to be a (M) tried to scam my character over the phone. When I told him some colorful words he PM'd me "I'm a (M)". How am I supposed to know that over the phone and how does that change anything?
  6. The server's IC environment is oxymoronic. There is an Anarcho-Capitalist side and a quasi-fascist police state side. Both intersect weirdly.
  7. Bail bondsmen aren't some mercenaries or private cops. The concept would be great but there needs to be a solid legal base regulating it.
  8. We're going back to the EDM clubs issue, huh? Open your own clubs instead of complaining. Fuck y'all expecting shit as granted? You want change but expect someone else or some admin to do it. Great community attitude, dudes. And it's not only about clubs. Stop whining if you don't do shit about it. 😢😥😢😥😢😥😢😥😭
  9. I'd add the following additions: - UCP reports; - Ongoing reports are private; - An announcements page where only the outcome of the report is posted. This would satisfy everyone's exigencies.
  10. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETER🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸
  11. I learned that players like to complain and that everyone is an expert on anything real-life and roleplay. GTAW is truly a community of intellectuals, with this many bright minds we may change the world one day.
  12. Lag, Part 2. The server's already going berserk from more than 10 cars in a block.
  13. There's this scene in Fast and Furious 5 I think, where they steal some cars from the police's impound lot. I know it's unrelated, but it's cool as fuck, I love Fast and Furious. Next time you run from the cops do it FOR FAMILY.
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